Monday Musings

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  1. Grocery shopping budgeting tips
  2. I love this
  3. Outlet shopping, decoded
  4. 25 apps to make everyday life, easier
  5. On dying with dignity
  6. Emailing professionally
  7. Commandments to live a clutter free life -- preach.
  8. Yes, YES. The latest Shopaholic installment is out !
  9. Knowing this, the show is even better. Amazing Race #1 fan, for life
  10. Drooling over, must have, this. Gah!
  11. My friend, the artist. Lusting after all her photos and travels. Gorgeous art by an even more gorgeous person.  I heart her mucho grande.

Side note: TV -- I've been traveling like a deranged person the last two weeks so I'm finally catching up on all my shows -- so no spoilers, prettiest of please's. Switch up week (week 5) DWTS? Hands down faves were Bethany and Alfonso.

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Everyday, Ordinaire: September


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