Monday Musings

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  1. Does running run your life like it does mine? I got 33 out of 50.
  2. Gah. Must take a girls road trip ASAP.  Like now.
  3. I love these, SO much. 
  4. Usually I despise this, but it is done so well, I love it.
  5. Yes, yes, YES! My inner fourteen year old is giddy -- the newest boy band, from my teenage all time FAVORITE boy band (BSB). 
  6. Raw, positively real article on miscarriage
  7. How to prepare pasta correctly.
  8. Can I be proposed to again and again? By the same fellow of course. This ring box (though a tad pricey), is genius.  Just genius. 
  9. Pass me a napkin, I. Cannot. Stop. Drooling. Cheeseburger in paradise... 
  10. How to eat sushi.  -- Now I want sushi...

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Coccyx brusing, mosquito swarms and why I (now) have trust issues


Everyday, Ordinaire