Nice (France) is mighty nice, plus -- gelato

In case you missed me committing a semi felony,

 feast your eyes on 

part one

 of #baguettesandcroissants.

Woke up our first morning in Nice and went for a run down Promenade Aglasis.

But first, I was a child and took a picture of this sign. 

It means "push" in French.  

Dirty bird.

My, "super excited I'm running in France" face.

Made it for sunrise.

Failed attempt at a selfie.

If you can't tell from the suitcases under my eyes, I'm awake.

Clothing, optional.

That water.  

Gosh. I was meant to live on a beach, I just know it. 

WHY(??) do we not have these in the states???

Pillows of heaven. Dipped in chocolate.


That massive roll?

Runger made me do it.

This sign made me giggle.

Those magnificent purple vine/tree/flowers were EVERYWHERE.

And I loved every moment of it.

Anyone know the name, I am dying for one in our garden. 

For Mark to plant and keep alive, not me. 

Just to clarify.

If the states had signs this large I'd never get lost again.

Ok, I'd still get lost, but those signs are way cool.

This street reminded me of Hollywood.

That view. 

If there was a gelato stand, I was at it.  

Everyday, all day. #noregrets #thuglife

Mark, meet Marc. (Chagall that is) 

Like a kid in a candy store. His favorite artist of all time. 

My inner art history major (first two years of undergrad) gave him a high five.

My favorite piece of the collection.

Lunch, alfresco.

Croque Madame and


. There's bread and ham underneath all that cheese. Believe.

Travel mates.

The best in the land I must say. 



 was perfect. We made our own food fro breakfasts and the like so the kitchen (fully stocked with utensils, etc) was a godsend along with the local grocer within walking distance. Had wifi and a great patio we lounged on, along with the balcony (photo above) that allowed for an awesome breeze straight from the Mediterranean.  Living area was large with 

plenty of room to relax together and drink wine.

So much wine. 

Did I mention it was cheaper than staying in a hotel -- which don't have kitchens and awesome areas to lounge in your pajamas drinking wine.

Highly recommend this place.

Vieux Nice

Girls take selfies, boys take shots.

How gorgeous is my friend? Right?! She has to stop with all the beauty. 

Gosh I heart her mucho grande.

Bistro Antonio

 for our last meal in Nice. 


Handmade. Fresh. 

All the carbs go to heaven.

Gals got gelato.

Boys went to a

gay bar

Which, is not like the states where everyone mingles, so we kinda stuck out. But it was a blast. 

Inappropriate photo included.

Don't tell our moms.

Last but not least, an EPIC video to capture all the splendor that is Nice.

I can't wait to go back.

Next stop, Marseilles!

Email me

Monday Musings


That time I was trespassing in someone's home, and other French adventures