Year Twenty Nine

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Everyday, Ordinaire

Slightly belated happenings about from the end of June, but my everyday ordinary nonetheless.

Feast your eyes.

The day after we returned from France I went back to work (like an idiot trying to conserve vacation days), and found myself making not one, but two trips to Starbucks. Holy jet lag batman.

Their new smoothies (photo of sample above) are tasty, but not $8 tasty.

Birthday treats for my friend on her birthday from Diana's Bakery

I want to live there, it smells like heaven and everywhere you turn -- sweets. 

The cookies -- melt-in-your-mouth good

Breakfast tacos from Half n' Half

They tasted even more amazing than they look.

Had a particularly STRESSFUL week, buying flowers for myself made it all better.

Blooms are $4 from Trader Joes -- holla!

Mileage in May and June were terrible-horrible at 80.32 and 44.92, respectively. 

Thankfully I've gotten off my rear and back into action. 

This is what happens when you leave two dogs out all day and the mail comes...

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