Everyday, Ordinaire

With our trip to France coming fast and furious next week and a out of town race this weekend with Amie + Desiree(!!) there is so much to do, and seemingly not enough time. If only sleep were optional. #firstworldproblems

Speaking of running, it has been sheer joy to have my sole sister back in the lou -- early morning pavement pounding is always better with company. We even did hill repeats earlier this week and are still friends. Speedwork hasn't been conducive to my schedule as of late, so I've been going it solo on the treadmill, it still hurts, so I'm doing right. 

So if you happen upon a nap, sleep a few extra moments for moi. Spanx.

Onto new business

#freeosk at Sam's has my whole heart. I went twice in a week, got my tiny black heart shattered one day cuz they were out (out!) and the hounds certainly needed those -- I don't remember, but it would have changed their lives. 

Thankfully for everyone it was well stocked for my second visit and are going straight into my carry on, because no one has time to be sick on VACATION <---- (name that movie)

Lots o' "ice cream" round these parts. Lots. Last time I added half a sleeve (no judgement) of thin mints I found in the freezer. #winning

There was also a Hardees Taste Test for -- Biscuits. #carbme

Saw The Immigrant -- not a Marcia pick, but it was still good nonetheless.  Great cast, and story.

Shakespeare in the Park with my dude -- packed snacks, a picnic blanket, and grabbed Jimmy Johns on the way. Henry the IV or V was showing, cool breeze and good viewing spot. Till our butts went numb, partly because we got there an hour prior to start to get a good spot. About halfway through we left, and got fro yo, because -- hello.

The library is getting all fancy with apps so I listened to/read(?) Orange is the New Black. Not too bad, kept my interest, but I'd guess the show is better (i.e. more drama).

Saw Move Live Tourhere. Gah. No words. It was all the emoticons with a generous sprinkle of awesome.  Watch the video on there, yep, that amazing. 

As always, some on-call-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-work-madness took place, and besides deer (seven!), it was uneventful, as all things are between the hours of midnight and 5 am. 

What have YOU been up to lately?

Are you running a race this weekend? Hospital Hill is t-minus 2 days away and my first 5k + 13.1, eeek!

Email me

A few of my favorite things (May) edition


Monday Musings