Monday Musings

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  1. Finally, a method that doesn't resemble a four year old went to town
  2. New book from my favorite author
  3. We need this in the states!
  4. Dress #1, Dress #2 and #2 shoes -- I'm drooling over
  5. Financial responsibilty -- here, here, here, here
  6. What would you do? -- great post. Personally I wouldn't change a thing, its lead me to where I am right now.
  7. So many non VS options, excited to try these -- variety is the spice of life ya know
  8. Safety kid rules
  9. Totally putting in my request for this gem for my office at work. Ha!
  10. Because you always have room to work on your core

Happy Memorial Day!

What are YOU musing about this Monday?

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