Sea Salt. Chocolate. A match made, by Vega

Working on call 24/7/365 is a dream. For people who swim freely in the pool of not being type A. I am the founding member of type A in case you were wondering (it isn't totally obvious yet).  Thus I pack like the apocalypse is upon us, bringing enough food/clothing/entertainment for the day, ok week, in my purse.  Logical, I know.

Thankfully, Vega caters to my OCD and palette.  Just me. Fine, you too. 

I digress.

Packing food for the day is imperative for a gal on the go -- if I don't have a healthy option on hand my eating habits suffer tremendously.  I'm talking french fries for every meal, with a french fry appetizer, and as dessert. Yep. Did it.

After falling head-over-heels in love with Vega earlier this year I find myself gravitating towards them each time I shop. And snack. 

Then, something fantastic happened. Vega sent me a box (box!) of Vega bars to devour greedily. 

Dear Vega, you know my love language -- mail.

Protein bars -- perfect for pre and post workout. Pop this in my bag and have a easy peasy no thought needed snack. Genius.

Favorite (protein): Chocolate Mint

Energy -- great for mid workout fuel. I can't wait to start using these this week now that half marathon #6 is complete instead of gels during long runs and races. Utilizing natural, plant based food is key for belly health and easy on the ole digestive track, which, considering my food allergies/digestive issues is HUGE.

One -- This guy literally saved my stomach from rumbling during class

Chocolate Peanut Butter.  Say it slow, let that description marinate. Rich, impeccable combination of chocolate and peanut butter so reminiscent of a candy bar I had to dig the wrapper out of the trash and re-read the ingredients. 

Snack -- If I haven't shouted it from the rooftops 100 times (yet), we are headed to France (France!) this summer which means -- beach/swimsuit. Meal planning has become more mindful, and the snack bar was the ideal nibble between meals, since I'm nice I split a bar with Mark (who loved it, obviously), and it kept us (him) from raiding the pantry whilst dinner cooked.  Winning. 

Dark Chocolate Mixed Nuts and Seal Salt was phenomenal. Crunchy, chocolate dipped with the most brilliant touch of sea salt literally made me ask for his half back, so I could eat that too. For those tuning in, yes, I asked for it back.  Fact.

Many thanks to the kind people at Vega for making my taste buds dance. You sure know how to make a gal feel satiated, without jeopardizing flavor.  You rock.

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Have you tried any of the new Vega bars? Which ones?

*Y29 was gifted Vega bars to binge eat/hoard like a squirrel. The thoughts, opinions, and the happy state of honoring my food allergies, is always my own.

Email me

Photo Diary: (coffee) Bar Hopping


Monday Musings