Year Twenty Nine

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Monday Musings

Highlight of last week? Seeing this band. Incredibly talented, and wildly entertaining.

  1. I need to work on this - shoulder huncher over here
  2. This noise took my anxiety/stress level down ten notches/
  3. New lifestyle apparel that is super chic -- and pricey. I'll wait till it goes on clearance
  4. One hour special, updating this family.  Cannot wait, loved the show!
  5. Choosing a training plan that's right for you
  6. Interesting read on Plastic vs. Glass food storage - we use plastic, but I'm thinking about investing in glass 
  7. How to read a recipe, properly
  8. The transformation of blogging
  9. This makes me want a suit, and I'm not a guy, nor do I have the shoulders to pull it off
  10. Can't wait to try these ideas on freezing meals

What are YOU musing about this Monday?

Email me