Monday Musings

Highlight of last week? Seeing this band. Incredibly talented, and wildly entertaining.

  1. I need to work on this - shoulder huncher over here
  2. This noise took my anxiety/stress level down ten notches/
  3. New lifestyle apparel that is super chic -- and pricey. I'll wait till it goes on clearance
  4. One hour special, updating this family.  Cannot wait, loved the show!
  5. Choosing a training plan that's right for you
  6. Interesting read on Plastic vs. Glass food storage - we use plastic, but I'm thinking about investing in glass 
  7. How to read a recipe, properly
  8. The transformation of blogging
  9. This makes me want a suit, and I'm not a guy, nor do I have the shoulders to pull it off
  10. Can't wait to try these ideas on freezing meals

What are YOU musing about this Monday?

Email me

The taper


Dog owner, of the year