A few of my favorite (things): January edition

There is nothing better than trying something new (to me), falling head-over-heels in love, and living happily ever after. In my mind. Therefore, I declare each month to share my favorites, and I'd love if you shared yours too. Sharing is caring ya know.

food + drink

Libertine, Gamlin Whiskey House (more on that in an upcoming post), Baida, The Dam, Neveria La Vallesana  


This song is the sole reason I kicked ass and took names logging mileage this month. How many miles in January? 81.85. Boom-shaka-laka


 Helix + Blood, Sweat and Heels - downloaded the FREE episodes on iTunes. Fell in love. Helix is non-stop nail biting, and BSH is just hysterical. 


Bitter Brew + Revenge Wears Prada. I've been binge reading like its the only way to get into heaven. #ireadallthebooks


Road-tripping to visit a friend who just had her first baby (part - onetwo), Surviving 365 days after adopting the hounds (part - onetwo), logging serious mileage (for me)  this month to the tune of 81.85 miles!

What are YOUR favorite things from January?

Email me

Monday Musings


My Best Friend's Wedding