twenty fourteen

This first full week(s) of 2014 sure burst into the party like a unwanted guest, didn't it? I mean, ease a girl into the new year please - Mercy.  

-- 2013 --

adopting the hounds


speedwork, hills, running with the hounds, good form clinic, racing: 1 (part one, two)/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9

savoring the moment, reading, cooking/fare finds (one of my faves, here), klutchclub (mail every month!), becoming a sweat pink ambassador

commitment/recommitment to fitness - a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h

grew Y29: 

collaborations with kitsch, clif, hot chocolate 15k

moving (more, here)

my first (and hopefully last!) running injury - 1/2

Quality time - 1/2/3/4/5/6

(progress noted in burgundy)

    •  Making the conscious effort to workout six days a week (we all know no workout = meltdown) See "commit/recommitment(s)" above
    • Incorporating more juicing in my life. Bought a juicer I "had" to have, must use it. Besides, my skin glows and I feel fantastic. Didn't use as much as I'd like, more  -here.
    • Bedtime. Get one. Gone are the days of staying up watching trashy reality TV and skipping my AM workout. By the end of the year I'd set an alarm for (and pretty much follow)  "bedtime". I'm still working on working out in the am.
    • Meal Plan. Try new recipes (tackling the bulging folder of "to try"). Weekly. Exceed expectations - see "cooking" above.
    • Skin Regime. AM and PM. Let's face it, 30 is here and this girl ain't getting any younger. Concrete AM plan, sporadic PM face care (correlated directly to how tired/lazy I was)
  • Donate to, volunteer for a worthy cause. Complete. Every race I ran went to charity. 
  • Hair - make an effort to style my hair, daily. You know, to reduce my "damn I wish I would've done something to my hair" moments. Meet expectations thanks to the investment in a curling wand. Best $25 I've ever spent.
  • Make up - still deciding. To primp, or not to primp, that is my dilemma. Discarded this goal. My complexion is without blemish (thank God), and I've realized (in my quest to be "fearlessly authentic) that "wearing makeup doesn't make you beautiful" (I assumed it was a mandatory "woman" thing and without it was "left out"), so I'll save this for weddings and special occasions
  • Spend less. Work in progress. I can definitely do better. Much better.
    • Restaurant meals - limit (legitimate) special occasions
    • Shopping - cease wardrobe spending until I've worn EVERY item in my closet 
  • Attempt not to go broke paying for student loans.  Student loans suck. Fact.

Verdict: overall I accomplished (4), made progress on (4), and discarded (1). Not too shabby...


NYE was spent over a long, leisurely (cuz it was busy as heck and our server - bless his soul - was slower than molasses) dinner with friends, followed by being in-bed-and-asleep-by-eleven. #winning. I wanted to start the new year with a proper workout, and I did: four miler, TAM mat, and planks #thankyouverymuch.

-- 2014 --

Dreams: get married, become a mother before all my eggs die


Health + Fitness

  • Sub 2:00:00 half marathon
  • Complete a marathon (scheduled for October 19th baring no injuries)
  • Attain goal weight range between 115-120
  • Make fitness a priority (rolling with the teetering balance of life); goal = 6 days a week
  • Posture - work on not walking around like the hunchback of Notre Dame.

Quality Time (my love language)

  • Nurture my relationships: phone calls, letters, "in person" dates. Remind self it takes two people to nurture a relationship. Talk less, listen more.
  • Train the hounds: obedience school, long runs
  • Gratitude + Quiet time: deepen the relationship with myself
  • Brunch: host at home, and/or meet at a restaurant. It is my favorite meal yet I rarely indulge. Plus a long brunch with mimosas and good people is pretty much awesome. 
  • Volunteer at a race


  • Monetary responsibility: pay off credit cards
  • Shop my wardrobe - buying only necessities
  • Take risks in my career, invest in myself professionally

What are YOUR goals for 2014?

Email me

Life as of late: According to my iPhone (pt. 9)


Photo Diary: #beachboozesunrepeat (part two)