Oh, Christmas Tree...

After this post I got down to business

24 Things That Happen When You Decide To Do The Insanity Program

And quickly remembered how hard core Tracy is

In twenty eight mere moments I was gasping for air, cursing, and flailing about. And it. felt. wonderful.

24 Things That Happen When You Decide To Do The Insanity Program

The next day, I felt like I'd been hit by a bus. 

Considering THIS is what I looked out pre-workout (horrific yes?!) I really had no room to utter a word.  Hello truffle shuffle...Oy vey. I shut my trap and got with the program - Continuity days 241-205, the remix, is in full effect.

Hardee's enlisted my help for a vanilla milkshake taste test, with a double cheeseburger as payment. Accepting was a no brainer. Der. 

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Went here with a pal

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Had a blast Christmas shopping - and playing with the photo props

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All of them. Tried Skinny Girl Prosecco, not too shabby (we all know I'm ob-sessed with bubbles). Then a snow storm ruined our fun so we headed home before we a) drank too much, and b) had to live there cuz neither of us like driving in inclement weather. 

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Made these and proceeded to compulsively inhale them like the rapture was coming

My food allergies are back, with a vengeance (more on that mayhem - here). So after a hefty dose of predisone (that stuff is potent - yowza!) and popping benadryl like they were sweet tarts, I went back to the allergist and had blood work that came back - completely normal. So she ordered a patch test.

paper top fun

 Till I showed up and found out the details - you get sticker panels attached to your back, covered in tape. Come back in two days for a preliminary reading, then return the fourth day for the results.

this is what happens when left, unattended in the exam room

Did I mention this entire process must be done without showering, or sweating (I sweat like a pig in my sleep btw)?! Genius mind that I am scheduled this the week of this race - why I'm not a Rhodes scholar, I'll never know.  Beavis. Thankfully I got in a five-miler pre visit, cuz that counts as all the training I need, said no one, ever.

Verdict: I also have a metal allergy. Perhaps I should just live in a bubble and never eat food again.  Jeez.

So, over the next few months I am going to  journal any itch episodes which is think is this cuz I play a doctor in my imagination, and removing all high allergy items (3's and 4's) and watching my metal contact. Which includes scissors, jewelry, and oh pretty much all metal. Gah.

Jailhouse misfits

Remember this snow day? Well, the kind gal behind Dishcrawl (follow them on IG - here) hooked yours truly up with tickets to Cocktails Wars, here. So what's a girl to do? Enlist a gal pal and make it a girls night, der. 

Playing in the cells was hysterical. Check out the videos we made here and here. Noshed a bit and then proceeded to try each and every cocktail. For quality judging purposes of course.  Our fav? "Misfire". It was this uber creative home made ginger beer in a shot ditty. After watching each contestant prepare their drink and explain the concept we made our final votes, and had shots. Cuz a guy was walking around passing them out and we wanted to help lighten his tray. 

Thanks again to Dishcrawl - it was an epic girls night for the books, and we are already planning a girls night to a dinner!

We got out Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. What an adventure. 

It is our first tree together, so I went on this long tirade about making memories and the fact we should go all lumberjack and cut one down, so he googled a place so I'd shut up and we hit the road.

Once we arrived (I slept the whole ride, tirades are exhausting) I see a ticket booth and immediately launch into tirade #2 about how unChristmas-like it was for them to charge you to cut down your own tree. Then swallow my piece of  humble pie when I realize they are explaining the process and giving you a tag for your tree. Oh.

After a short hay ride we arrive at the lot, given our choice of saw, and instructions about tree pick up once we selected "the tree". Excited I grab a saw and set off on a mission for the perfect tree that smells like "Christmas". 

Find said tree, pose for photos  and then ask aloud, "so where's the guy with a chainsaw to chop this sucker down?" Yep. Naive, party of one. Once M explains cut your own tree really means CUT YOUR OWN TREE not pick a saw as a photo prop, I stand, incredlous as he lumberjacks the tree down. With a hand saw, not a chainsaw. Like in the old days. 

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Work holiday bash - pizza, booze, and bowling.  My kind of party. 

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Hit up the Hot Chocolate 15k packet pick up - here

Easy. Peasy.

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Strolled the expo, listened to holiday tunes, grabbed some chocolate (duh), then saw - Sweaty Bands. Addiction is a bland word for my hardcore, deep rooted love for these bad boys. Started to drool, got weak in the knees. Proceeded to forget its Christmas and thus not the time to buy myself gifts and nabbed 7 - (SEVEN!) new bands to call my own. I know own nine million. Happy dance!

Isn't the promo mug for using my  blog ambassador "yeartwentymug" code adorable?!

And the jacket? Don't even get me started. It had me with thumb-holes. And a zipper back pouch for gels and such. Swag bag was full of swagger if you ask me. Well done Ram Racing, well done.

Lastly, went to a Christmas mystery dinner theater for my baby sister's drama club. So cute, she did fantastic (obviously), and the food (this and this) was perfect. 

Enough about me, What have YOU been up to lately?

Email me

Monday Musings


Booze, a Baby Shower, More Booze, and Such