Cinnamon Brooms, Squeeze Yogurt, and Staying Up Way Past My Bedtime

somewhere . . . .

Lyrics from my favorite song.  Ten points if you can name the artist and song.

-- day 7/108 --

Majority of the day was spelled out, here, but there are few things to add.  During Vitality (remainder from day #6) is "breath of fire"- I about hyperventilated, so no more for me until I can master holding a pose and breathing normally. So no time soon.  Yoga push ups, on the other hand, I can do. It ain't pretty, and sweet mother it burns, but I can do them, slowly. My sides and spine were screaming, so by the time wheel, plow, and shoulder stands rolled around I just rested in Savasana, because coming into child's pose was not an option.  I'm learning to listen to my body. After thirty one years and countless injuries. Baby steps.

Mountain Pose class was - different. The whole video was odd, from their location in the desert to the eerie music.  I will not be continuing with Mountain Pose, though reverse prayer was simply amazing after a week of pretty intense poses and holds.

Tip: Don't fall behind in the UY challenge, it's a jeti mind trick to get your brain on board for double the yoga in addition to running. 

Digging these lately. Came in a recent Klutchclub box and are perfect when I'm on the road, or for an easy-no-brainer-healthy-snack.  The capri sun/baby food looking package did give me pause, but I can't eat a bowl of yogurt and drive (safely), so this guy rocks.

-- day 8/108 -- 

In addition to The Ultimate Yogi 108 challenge I am continuing to run (POTM 2013 as well), along with a few (short distance) races. So the removal of mountain pose gives me a (must needed) rest day. Let's face it, had I thought this all the way through like a smart person I would have included one, running and 1-2 hours a day of yoga is intense town.

I've been eyeing this since summer ended and finally got one to call my own. The entire first floor smells divine. $3.99 for a whole floor air freshener? I call that a win

We went to a concert. On a school night. Rebels. 

Cross Train and 1/2 of Hardcore before I met my dude and his friend to watch the Bears game. The vinyasas in Cross Train are lightning fast I can still barely keep up, but I'm trying. One day I'll conquer. I'm thoroughly digging the variety from day-to-day, keeps my mind and body guessing. Let's hope my body will guess it's way down a few pounds and in a few inches.  Ran at the gym, had a little pain, so cut my run short. I was pissed, but I'd rather rest, then go crazy and end up injured, again. 

 -- day 9/108 --

My 1st Klout Perk. Super yummy - did not satisfy my hunger for four hours. I ain't mad at 180 calories though. Can't win them all I suppose.

Made stuffed peppers for the first time. Easy peasy. I need to tweak the recipe a bit, but oh my yum, vegetarian and delicious. 

Finished Hardcore (from day #8), then did Cardio and ran (pain free!). I even foam rolled. Who am I??

M re-caulked the tub and I'm petrified of the basement, so I took a whores bath that morning and went to the gym at lunch for a proper shower after my run. I'm too vain to be the smelly kid. 

-- day 10/108 --

Fuzzy insoles? Sign. Me. Up. 

I waited .2 seconds to rip open the package and slid these into my Hunter wellies. Cuz it was raining, and I love my rain boots. And would cry a thousand tears if my real shoes got wet. 

Please excuse my bird legs. I promise my boots are my size, and not fourteen sizes too big.

Verdict? Oh-so-cozy. Thanks Influenster and Dr. Scholl's for making my tootsies happy. And warm. 

Strength and Harcore. Though my thighs scream for mercy I really like the tai chi movements, works my marathon thighs and bat wing arms. Winning really. In a shaking, painful, sweaty way. 

I completed the Algenist challenge. While I liked that it was lightweight, after ten days it didn't turn me into a supermodel. So there's that. 

Remember my reading binge (more, here)? Well, I "skread" (skim-read) It Starts With Food. I believed the hype, and it wasn't for me. 

Are you a no reply blogger? I love to respond to all Y29's comments via email so the commentor (you) doesn't have to come back to my page and see if I responded.  You can find out if you are and how to change to a "Reply" blogger, here. I love talking with my readers - so holla at your girl! 

Lastly, this Saturday I'm running in the Cupcake 5k as - an "eater".  Which means I get to put my competitive eating skills and love of running together for an epic romp around Forest Park. With cupcakes. Anyone else participating? If so I'd love to meet you! I'll be the short gal going hog wild on cupcakes and screaming like a loon as I go ape on the course. And cupcakes. I must be really craving cupcakes, can you tell?

2013 Gateway Cup Cake 5K Run & Walk and Bottle Cap Dash 5K Obstacle RunPowered by Jilly's Cupcake Bar & Cafe

Gateway Cup Cake and Bottle Cap
DashBoth events are back-to-back at Central Field (east side) in Forest Park! The schedule:

-The Gateway Cupcake 5K Run & Walk
-The Bottle Cap Dash 5K Obstacle Run
-The Bottle Cap Youth 1.5K Obstacle Run

Proceeds will benefiting Lift For Life Academy, St. Louis’ first charter school serving city children!

The Gateway Cupcake 5K Run & Walk is a classic battle between those who eat and those who compete.... The Gateway Cup Cake will pit speedy runners against speedy eaters in a battle between foot and mouth. Participants can deduct up to 5 minutes per Cupcake at 5 Cupcake Stations along the race course for a maximum of 25 minutes off of their finishing time. Learn more about Rules, Awards, Categories, Age Groups, Schwag, and Route information by going here.

*I received the Influenster Rose Vox box (Dr. School's) and Klout Perk (Slim Fast).  The opinions, comfort of my toes, and rumblings of my belly are, as always, my own.

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Life As Of Late: According To My iPhone (pt. 8)


Photo Diary: Fright Night