Year Twenty Nine

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Monday Musings

Happy Labor Day! 

I don't know about you, but I'm winding down the weekend fun and mentally preparing myself to head back into real life. It was a unexpected weekend full of much needed leisure - with just enough socializing mixed in. Which, after the nonstop summer was well received and appreciated.

Friday we went to the new outlet malls (here - its pet friendly!, here) to scope them out and begin shopping for vacation later this month. 

(via Instagram)

Flowers from M (and the hounds) for my birthday

Gift from my sister. She gets me. And my obsession with water bottles. 

Here's what has peeked my interest lately:


// If this touching story doesn't make you weep, you're dead inside.

// On the F Word - here

// Left Handers - here

// On Kindness - here

// H&M Home Collection - here

// On "hurrying" - here

// On listening - here

// On anxiety, here

// On calorie counting, here

// On aging + celebrating life, here

// On marriage, from a divorced man's perspective, here

// On relationships, here

 What are YOU musing about this Monday?

Email me