Total - DIVA

Come closer.

I won't bite. Unless you have food/wine in your hands.

I have a secret.

Short hair has the Beyonce of digestive systems. Jealous? You should NOT be.

When I started running, especially when long runs involved fueling, the concept was lost with me. My first fuel + long run I had the gel after the run. #amateur.

My. First. Gel (circa 2012). Ah, memories
Add in the fact I can barely have water before a run/workout and I had myself a #firstworldproblem.  

In the quest to find fuel strong enough to kick start a Clydesdale, yet mild enough as not to disrupt an impending storm of epic runner proportions, was no easy feat. Fellow runners, you know exactly what I'm saying...

Dipping into my imaginary monthly discretionary funds - testing, tasting, and purchasing every item on the "fuel" shelf at running stores I learned a few things:

a.) not a chocolate flavor is created equal
b.) nothing should have the texture of dry wall, unless it is, in fact, dry wall
c.) claiming it tastes like icing is a lie. A big, mean, lie

Thus far, shot bloks were one of the only gels I could consume without putting my gag reflex on high alert. And they tasted like giant gummy bears. With caffeine. #winning

So I did what any totally irrational overly caffeinated normal person would do. Wrote Clif a letter. Detailing my sensitive stomach woes (I pity whomever had the joy of reading that) and praying they'd not get a restraining order take pity on me.

Then this beauty came in the mail. 

And heaven's harpist began to play. 

God Bless America Clif Bar

A family owned company (they also make wine - HOLLA!) with a penchant for organic ingredients, and living by five aspirations: Sustaining the planet, community, people, business, and brands.

With a product line ranging from energy, protein, granola, and specialty bars - no one will ever go hungry. And taste is never compromised.  That is a fact from personal experience, quote me.

Jammed with 20g of protein and 270 calories, this monster is now a constant staple in my car. And purse. And work. Cuz it cures my hanger, keeps me satisfied, and tastes like money. Ok, chocolate.

I mean, how could you not feed a small country on this guy...bright lights, BIG protein bar. Chocolate Mint be still my grumbling belly.

(via instagram)

Then there is Mojo, who comes Au natural or dipped. With the perfect mixture of salty and sweet it'll make you leap for joy. Literally. Try the dipped s'mores bars - it'll change your life. Or don't, cuz I'm selfish and want them all to myself. They've got this brown buttery, melt-in-your-mouth thing going on. 

I need a moment...(wipes away drool)

Next, Kits Organic. Made in small batches there is no denying care and love goes into every bar. Add in the fact it is gluten, soy, and dairy free, and my friends, your sen-si-tive tummy will thank you. Taste, not compromised.

Last, but certainly not least, the first born, Clif Bar. Think massive homemade cookie that is the size of your entire hand. But packed with enough protein to sustain energy and make you a supermodel. Fact.

38 Signs You've Been Unemployed Too Long

Basically, every-time I pass Clif products I do a little dance, and clothesline the shelves with my arm into the cart. Normal. 

And, because I'm beyond awesome and just changed your life, made your taste buds sky rocket to heaven, here are my favorite fitness things. Tip: to take your experience to the next level, warm up the bar/leave it in your hot car - it'll take ooey, gooey goodness to a whole new level of sticky-lick-my-finger-in-public-deliciousness. 

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Photo Diary: Holiday


Photo Diary: Boy Band Boozing