Year Twenty Nine

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Tough as nails - with a touch of PINK

Don't ask me how it happened (I blame - her), but I've been sucked back into watching Keeping up with the Kardashians. I'm pretty certain i'll never get that hour back, but nevertheless I was GLUED to the TV. #realityshowjunkie


General registration for St. Jude's opened while I was in KC over the weekend. And to my surprise, Jesus had plans all his own for this noncommital short hair - the half was sold to capacity, which means one thing - I'm running my first full marathon in December. I'm nervous and excited. In equal parts. Sweet baby Jesus - 26.2!


May Challenge(s): the results. I've got a boat load of excuses, but I won't waste my breath - let's just say I allowed "life" to get in the way and it impacted the challenges I committed to in May. Over-committer, party of one.  Here's the dirty deets of my misspent time and effort:

  • Tracy Anderson Mat - goal: everyday. Final tally: 8/31
  • Smoothies - goal: one a day. Final tally: 12/31


I finally deleted Google Reader from my iGoogle homepage. Must ween myself now, before the end comes in less than a month. If you have/know of any good reading via Bloglovin, hook a sista up. And don't forget to follow me - pretty please.



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And the biggest news - I'm a Sweat Pink Ambassador! 


It is an honor to be included in such an inspiring group of women sharing the joys of a healthy lifestyle, celebrating hard work and well earned rewards, and encouraging one another.  I'm humbled - and vow to press forward with my goal to be "fit and fabulous, from the inside, out" , detailing the ups, downs, and in between's. And rocking some seriously amazeballs pink swag. 

Do you watch KUWTK?

Running St. Jude's this December? What distance?

Do you set monthly goals?

Do you #sweatpink?

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