Year Twenty Nine

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Photo Diary: Racing Debut

Like I explained - here, since I'm such a giving person I signed up myself, M, and both dogs for Bark in the Park, which benefits the Humane Society of STL. 

Our team name: "Fast & Furriest"

Then proceeded to put more effort than I'd like to admit (but I'm gonna) towards costumes for my fur babies. Cuz that's how I roll. And I love an excuse to shop.  

Superhero capes. Instructions - here.

Fabric - Walmart
Felt - Michaels
Fabric Glue - Michaels
Jewels - Michaels

I cut the fabric to size (based on each dog's length and width), and made the neck hole a smidge larger so that it cut be tied in a loose knot.

From start to finish it took about an hour and a half. And I had supplies left over.

Dress Rehearsal

Miles was a trooper. Rubin ripped her's off .2 seconds after I tied the knot. Which is why she's the blur in the pic.

Transporting to Forest Park, I thought would be easy peasy since I live(d) literally five minutes (in traffic) away. But alas, as soon as M saw them looking distressed (more on that - 'here) he kicked us out the car to walk the remainder so they wouldn't decorate the interior of his car - again.

That's me in the purple top - back left (source)

Once the dogs and I finally arrived two water breaks and ninety-two pee/sniff breaks later we were warmed up. 

- Begin rant -

Registration was - a PAIN. There were not one, but two LONG, SLOW lines you had to go through, one for your bib, and the other for your swag bag.  And both were understaffed. So bad they had to push the start time back twenty minutes. When I got up to get my bib the lady with some of the bibs had wandered off, which held up the line even more. 

- End rant -

The race was small, with a fantastic turnout of animal lovers and their pooches. A and I ditched the boys and dogs and headed to the start since we were running. 

Once the race started it took a bit to weave around people/animals, but thinned out fairly quickly.  The day was humid, so I was grateful for elbow room. The course had a bit of small hills and weaved through the park. There were aid stations for both people and animals which rocked. Hill/turn to the finish which was unpleasant, but bearable.

Place Div Chip Time Pace Gun Time No. Name Age Sex City State

(full results -  here )

Bib: 2182
Time: 32:28; 101 overall, 10 in division

Not my best 5k, but I thoroughly enjoyed the course, and finished without dying of heat exhaustion. Doubled back to find A and cheer her to the finish, then she grabbed waters and found a spot to sit down, and I ran back to the car to get my  fancy dancy camera. 

Chip Time
Gun Time
MO (and the dogs)

Completing their racing debut, the boys and dogs crossed the finish line, and like true divas, refused photographs. 

So I made the dogs take a bazillion photos and assigned M to be the photog. Naturally. 

Our teammates: A, C, and their pooch Stewie

After that we hit up the tents. And I must say, it was pretty darn spectacular. Loads of vendors, FREE treats for pooches, and giveaways. Everyone was super friendly, and it was fantastic socialization  for Miles and Rubin.

Kennelwood had pools, misty fans, and puppy ice cream. 

Clearly Rubin is in her element. With pearls.

Miles, on the other hand didn't grasp the concept of "sitting" in the pool. 

But, totally snarfed down both his and Rubin's puppy ice cream. With pearls. Don't judge, he's secure in his manhood.

Next up, the agility course. 

God bless the trainers  and their patience - but both dogs did great. 

Treats Unleashed pulled out all the stops. Food truck and tent full of treats, and even treat "tastings".

In addition to all that, Treats Unleashed gave each dog got a bandanna, and if they wear it into the store you get 10% off your purchase!

Overall, though the registration process left a little to be desired, it was a great morning among animal lovers (and friends) that supported a wonderful cause. We will definitely take the dogs back next year. In costume :)

Do you run with your dog(s)? I do, but the pups are still young, and can do about 2 miles before tuckering out.

Do you race with your dog(s)?  I fully intend to once they can tolerate the miles.

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