Year Twenty Nine

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Monday Musings

Seriously. I blinked and the weekend was OVER. Sad day. 

Finally replaced my Toms. With TWO new pair (here, here) #ihaveashoppingproblem #Icanneversaynotonordstrom

Celebrated National Chocolate Ice Cream Day #yesIatetheentirecartoninonesitting #dontjudgeme

My new fluorescent Minnie Capri's I scored while in KC for the half Mary last weekend. Nineteen dollar make you holla! I do love clearance...

My week. Perched on the couch with frozen veggies attached to my thighs. As both dogs tried to eat through the bag. Recovery from this race was rough, I've never had that hip/pelvis pain before. My google searched self diagnosis: Piriformis. So instead of my uisual three day total rest, I did three days, ran one, then took off an additional three. Cranked out 5 today on the treadmill - I'm back in business!

Have you tried these? If not, save your truffle shuffle. They are ADDICTING. Granted I went to the grocery store starving, got to my car and consumed 1/3 the bag before I got home (it's a 5 minute drive - in traffic) #rookiemistake

Thanks to sweet, 8lb baby Jesus, more of my belongings made their way to the new casa, went to an amaze clinic, Running with you Dog" (post coming soon).  Grabbed a cup of java and headed home, excited to try out all the new things I learned. And was greeted by this. Yep, on TOP of the picnic table.

Cleary Miles was in no head space to run AND listen to directions, so we chilled outside instead. #Ipickmybattlescarefully


In other news:
  • Hilarious list of "should" be slogans by Buzzfeed
  • It's official - I will complete 13 races in 2013! Check out my race calendar ----->
  • One Run for Boston - A 3000 mile relay from LA to Boston benefiting those affected by 4/15/13. I'm running the "group stage" on June 22nd. Anyone want to run/running? It's 4.5 miles and goes from downtown STL to IL. Email me if you do/are, my friend is going to be my chauffeur - cuz I promised post run mimosas. 
  • Calculated my Body Fat - 23%. This is considered "fitness". It does say I should be at 18%, which means losing about 7 lbs. Goals, we all need goals. Which means I shouldn't celebrate frivolous holidays like "National Chocolate Ice Cream Day".  

How was your weekend? 

Ever had "Piriformis" issues? 

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