Year Twenty Nine

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So What Wednesday

I'm joining in the hump day fun over on  Shannon's  blog - 

So What Wednesday

If my idea of packing is watching all my shows on the DVR, and making a list, ranked by priority, so I wouldn't need to reinvent the wheel once we get a new DVR

I set my alarm for 5:15a then hit the snooze for an hour. Every morning. World's kindest human over here

I haven't cooked for at least two weeks. Unless you count setting the auto timer on the coffee machine every night #priorities

I didn't realize until this morning today was - WEDNESDAY

I can't muster the willpower to dust paw prints off my dress after I go feed the dogs at lunch. 

I just started a load of laundry from two weeks ago. 

I pack like an asshole and brought one lamp, not two on my last trip

I washed all the dogs nasty ass towels in my apartment instead of at the house

I took five water breaks on a four mile treadmill run

I passed out, face down on my mom's couch for an hour after saying I was leaving

The craft project I've been working on for two months officially went to shit yesterday. #abstractart

It was more pressing for me pack my wine and shoes first

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