Year Twenty Nine

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Photo Diary: Lady In Red

Grab a bottle of vino, this is gonna be a long one...

On my final run I decided to pull an audible, switch my run outfit staple - capris, and wear this beauty I picked up on final sale from here. Never donning a running skirt before I was nervous, why no one knows, the shorts are attached and my lady bits where safely tucked away. This baby was da bomb. Did not ride up once, no weird poop pants bunching in front/back, all in all a thrifty purchase I'm glad I justified myself into making. In addition to the fit, there was a zip pocket on the thigh where I put my ID and debit card, and pockets where I stashed my tissue, but I'm pretty certain you could get gels in there easy peasy no big deal.

Like the wood plank in the living room? #puppy proofing

That evening put myself to bed early - tucking in around 8:30-9. I had the essentials: water, race day book (cuz I'm OCD and love details), TV, and compression socks.

Chatted with Jen to game plan the 4:15 a.m wake up call that was looming, and it was lights. out. 

Race morning came, I hit snooze (like ALWAYS) and rolled outta bed around 4:30, which still gave me enough time to get dressed, let the dogs tinkle, and jam food in my pie hole before picking her up. Like always my gear is charged, laid out near the door and my clothes set out the night before. There is no need for added drama on race day. "Ain't nobody got time fo dat"...

We parked in my work garage and hit up my building to use real bathrooms - a luxury we both were grateful for. There is nothing worse than porta potties on race day.  And that's all I'm gonna say about that...

Walked to the start, found our corral "B", and settled in. It was GORGEOUS outside. In the midst of waiting to start I saw a girl I used to work with for ages. She, like Jen are part Kenyan so I said my "good lucks" then Jen and I decided on a meeting place at the finish. 


The day couldn't have been better. Slight wind, sunshine, and it was my first hometown half mary. Life was good.

Race Memories:

Passing AB, smelling the hops as we ascended the hill and dry heaving. 
Seeing the elite runners double back along Broadway 
Hitting "holy hill", and exclaiming "HOLY SH$T" out loud
Holy Hill
The fake downhill on Holy Hill
Wondering why I never knew St. Louis was built in the "mountains"
Finishing Holy Hill, exclaiming "SWEET LORD" 
Lululemon with signs and Twizzlers
A little boy with a sign that said, "Free high fives"
Keg stands. For runners. 
People handing out cupcakes
Grabbing a free Gu around mile 8, and holding onto it like a weirdo #sensitivebelly
People handing out beer
Hitting the turn around on Forest Park Parkway

I walked thru aid stations at 9 and 11 to hydrate. I drank coffee, which I never do and was a lil parched. Once we hit Market I knew the end was near. Sweet Baby Jesus why was it an uphill finish? Cruel and unusual punishment I say. Thankfully the finish chute was jammed with cheering people, so the final push crossing the finish line is owed to those people.  If there had been a gap in the barriers separating us, or I wasn't so vain, I'd have quit or started walking. I did neither. And I have each and every one of those kind people to thank.  Cuz I was over it.

The end result?

Half Marathon:

Marcia Ginger at the Finish in 2:27:00.

Pace 11:13 min/Mile.
Time of Arrival: 9:36:36.

Bib: 5900
Time: 2:27:00; 488 in the half marathon, 5116 overall

Race recap, here

2 minutes better than HM #2, and six minutes slower than HM #1. I'll take it!

Once I crossed they were handing out these.  Which made me forget about the hills. Until I tried to sit down and my legs reminded me. Nonetheless it was a "sweet" distraction.

Ted Drewes
After snapping a few photos we set off for the car. Jen had to check out of her hotel, we needed showers - badly, and were STARVING. And thirsty #firstworldproblems.

Once we got clean and I slid into my compression tights we hit up this place.  It was along the full marathon route AND within walking distance to mi casa.  

Then this happened. 

And some alot of this happened. 

Excuse the mounds of dirty laundry strew about, and my bra on the doorknob

Monday's outfit: 
Too bad I forgot it was Opening Day and was the ONLY resident of St. Louis not in Red #gocards

My biggest concern was that it concealed my compression tight awesomeness #keepittight #hurtssogood #mylegshateme

To top off said outfit I sported my new necklace courtesy of this fashionista's blog contest.
Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!!!

Don't forget to vote for her to be a Wallis Ambassador - today is the last day!


Lessons Learned:

Coffee  will be added to my pre run/race menu.  And that water comes BEFORE coffee or you'll be dying of thirst by the first aid station.

First 8 miles crank out like a "bat outta hell", then I crash and burn for the final four. I've already enlisted the wisdom of my running She-ro and can't wait to train smarter.  And harder. It's evident with my first half I was single, had a older dog, and more free time (play single ladies theme song, NOW) to crank out miles without much balancing.  Now with M and two puppies I'm forced to balance, and it has been a CHALLENGE. A happy one. But Rome wasn't built in a day. And I just started running less than a year ago, so I'm cutting myself some slack.  Till my next half mary in where I go big or die trying to PR (sub 2:00 I want you).

For having two half marys less than 30 days apart, I'd say I did pretty well.

And cuz I'm a sucker for a good deal and love any excuse to dress up, I'm doing the GO! STL Halloween Half Mary. Which rounds out 2013 with SIX half marys (ok 5, St. Jude is gonna be a full mary, right Amie?). Eeek! This race calendar shaped up quite nicely if I say so myself.

Now, to thank you for not passing out from boredom, a GIVEAWAY! 

Nautical Gold Chain Suede Bracelet

I'm giving away a Black Evie J Nautical Gold Chain Suede Bracelet!

Once I won Laura's giveaway I IMMEDIATELY stalked the Evie J website and bought every color of these. And to keep good giveaway karma flowing, this could be yours!

The rules are simple:
  1. Follow my blog, Year: Twenty-Nine
  2. Follow me on Twitter: @MarciaElise
  3. Follow me on Instagram: @Yeartwentynine
  4. Follow Laura's blog, Walking in Memphis in High Heels - after all, she started the contest good karma!

That's it! Just drop me a comment on this post after you've completed the above, and I'll randomly pick a winner Monday, April 15


Half Mary #3 in the books!

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