Monday Musings

New week, fresh perspective. After my meltdown last week a light bulb went off. Complain, or take action. I chose the later, and feel like I've got a new lease on life.  Making smart food choices, logging them - here (friend me: meginger). Downloaded a training log, tailored it to me, and logged a great week of running/mileage. Continuing the implementation of tempo runs, stretching before and after each run, added in hill repeats, actually "rested" on rest days. It. Was. Bliss.  Minus the hill repeats (more on that in another post). Granted, the next day this happened, but I got right back on the proverbial wagon and did not let it slow me down.

Hit up True Runner on Earth Day because I "needed" a handheld water bottle. And/or:


Sue me. I'm a sucker for free stuff.
Was so excited for something FREE I totally didn't pay attention to the GU label and bought this one, when I wanted this one.


Tree is planted and still alive #winning. Granted M did all the work. So really I managed the project. And bought the flower pot.


Made home made banana chips.  And banana bread. Again, sucker for a good deal bought a BAG of bananas. What? It was $1.69!!! I couldn't pass that up. Save for four Miles got a hold of, I used them. ALL.  #allbananasgetinmybelly.

Celsius. Do it. No calories, yummy flavor for your agua. Not fizzy. You're welcome. Plus if you buy a canister, you get one free. Holla!

Save for Saturday night, the entire weekend was spent in yoga pants of some varying length. #cozytown #myboyfriendissolucky #marathonthighs

My home girl is co hosting a link up for  the month of  May. 
Choose your goal. Commit to doing said goal.  Show off your mad hard work on Instagram using #4MChallenge. Link up every Friday to support others and hold yourself accountable.

My goal:
Tracy Anderson Mat - EVERYDAY. 

Because I need to cross train something fierce. And find the muscle under my truffle shuffle again.  TAM for life. See my transformation - here.


 In addition, I'll be participating in the 30 Day Smoothie Challenge. My digestive system needs a rest. Extra fruit/veg never hurt anyone. Plus we already have a smoothie everyday for breakfast so this will be a reminder to stay with it and experiment with different recipes.  More info on this challenge - here.


Tried Skinny Girl daily cleanse and restore green lemonade - don't waste your money #iwantmymoneyback

Training Pace Calculator - super helpful to know what pace you need to run at on each of your runs for your desired goal pace/race pace.

Race day checklist - cuz mama loves a checklist.

Do you do hill repeats? Just started last week. And survived. 

Favorite Banana Recipe? Any combo of banana, chocolate, and/or peanut butter is my jam.

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Photo Diary: Semi Pro