Year Twenty Nine

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Monday Musings

Hey, sexy ladies!

First half mary of 2013 is in the books, I'm back home safe, and getting back into the adult thug life. Career, bills, dogs, laundry. Spending quality time with this PR'ing diva, people watching, and drinking our awesome juice made this past weekend the Race recap coming soon. But, if you're the antsy type, here are the official race photos to tide you over.

Since today is MY Monday, I'll entertain you with some "slight of hand" (name that movie).  Or not, and I'll just get down to it...

My sister forwarded this to me: Meals for single folk - Don't drink or eat anything while reading this. HILARIOUS.

Awkward moment.

Pink - The Great Escape. Not a giant Pink fan (though her voice is incredible), but I dig this tune.

Am I the last person alive to not know how to convert time zones in my head?  Thankfully, us slow folk have a savior by way of this site. Go ahead, ask me what time it is in LA when it's 2 a.m. in STL...

I roll my own coins. Gangsta style. I mean, why pay a machine to do it for you, I like to keep all my hard earned cash/coin thank you very much. Tip: the bank will give you FREE coin rollers. You're welcome :)

Marathon Photo - short hair attempting to live in her financial truth, and thankfully the photo God's were also patient.  Scored two 5x7's from St. Jude's Half for 50% off - holla! Those prices are much more my speed.  Morale of the story? Be patient and wait for them to discount - ain't nobody got time for $20 a print photos...

What are YOU musing about this Monday Tuesday?

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