Year Twenty Nine

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Kanye's New Workout Plan

Short hair LOVES a well oiled routine. A game plan, if you will. Add in a dose of ADD, coupled with my OCD, and you've got yourself a melting pot of cray cray. Whatever works, right?

Right now I log my EVERY morsel that enters my mouth on My Fitness Pal (friend me: Meginger), along with daily fitness for nutritional purposes. AND I use a calendar to hand document workouts, which I archive in a binder to track progress over the years - I plan out a week ahead of time - cross referenced with what race I'm training for, and what exercise other I'd "like" to do on a sticky note. After said exercise(s) are completed, I write in the workout deets on calendar to make it official. The sticky note method allows me to swap days when life throws me lemons, "cross off a completed task" when I complete any form of exercise, and still have a plan.  Cuz purpose is my jam, son.

As promised, I measured, (re)photographed (the first selfie set sent me into tears), and documented my post marathon training body. If looking at extra skin is your "thang", see all my dirty secrets, here.  Pardon the glisten, I had just slathered myself in body butter, its not sweat. Like my truffle shuffle?  Hot right? 

So far, this is my month o' fitness. Finally back into Tracy Anderson mat, which TOTALLY transformed my body almost three years ago, and I'm uber stocked to make it a priority again. Plus I need to cross train something fierce. 

3/2 - .93 mi. outside (10:52)
3/3 - LR Half Marathon (2:29:00) - posts here, here, recap here.
3/7 - 2 mi. TM (18:48)
3/9 - 7.16 mi. TM (1:07:26)
3/13 - 2.29 mi. (32:14) outside with the dogs

This feat was not as terrible as I expected. Thank God for whomever invented the split leash.  And while they ran BEHIND me and not in front, there were only minor meltdowns, sit outs, and clothes lining moi. 

3/15 - 5 mi. TM (51:34)
3/16 - 8.18 Forest Park (1:47:39)
3/18 - 4.33 Tower Grove Park (52:07) 

I volunteered to go to Walgreens, let's face it, running is my therapy these days, so any task that involves retaining any morsel of my sanity is welcome. This is the first time I've "ran" an errand, and it was actually fun. Must do this more often. Saves gas + no brainer run = #winning

3/19 - 3.65 mi. TM (37:29)
3/20 - 2 mi. TM (19:21) - doing 1.0 incline for a mile of hilly goodness
3/21 - TAM Mat


Because while lying on the couch with this cutie, I snapped a pic and realized I had SERIOUS FAT face going on, that it probably wasn't isolated to just my "face", got up and worked out. Pouting, incessant whining, and questions if "I'm fat" were included.  I mean, how many cameras are on me, FIVE?

3/22 - 3.73 mi. TM (41:33)
3/23 - Undy 5000, with the rest on the TM totaling 10.49 mi (1:55:00)

Bib: 3360
Time: 33:52; 60th in age group, 398 (of 939) overall


3/25 - 5.29 mi. TM (55:00), TAM Mat 

I'm using the GO! STL training plan as a guideline, but for some reason trying to increase my speed is MAH-JOR hard core. Frustrated, party of one?

While we are on the subject of running, I watched shows on my iPad, man, if I would've known motion sickness wouldn't be an issue for me this would have happened way sooner! Like the true follower of my "financial truth", I download free full episodes from iTunes and watch while racking in the miles, or use my Uverse app to watch movies and shows.  GENIUS!  Add in I love me some trashy reality and the time flies by!  

What do you do while running on the treadmill? 

Do you take photos/measurements to track your weight loss/results?

How do you track your workouts?

Do you log your foods?

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