
2/22 - 10.67 miles - TM (1:49:36) - read why it wasn't a training plan prescribed 12 miler, here

2/23 - The Annual Day of Dance sponsored by St. Luke's Hospital was finally here. Located at the Ritz Carlton (swanky!), they have breakfast (holla!), and various fitness methods (Zumba, Jazzercise, Boolywood, etc) lead you through a sweat induced, girls only party of awesomeness. Plus it's a special day each year where my mom and I spend the day (fours hours) shaking our money makers and bonding. This year my mom's youngest sister joined us - insert side splitting, thigh burning, dance like you get paid for it day was had by all.  Best part? It's FREE (see last years post, here).


Breakfast of champions.  They had the BEST coffee. I'm talking I'd reserve a room even though I live within walking distance, and order a carafe.  That good.  

Screens flanking the stage where instructors lead us, so anywhere you stood had an awesome view of the dance.

My mom, Me (duh), and My Aunt

My mom and I - love her lots like tator tots even though she drives me INSANE in the membrane sometimes. And forgets I'm 30, not 13. Her nickname is "sMother" :)

2/24 - Weight 130.4 - not surprising considering I didn't work out.  Depressed about that number? Yeah, me too.  Maybe I need to workout harder/eat better a new scale...

2/26 - 2 miles - TM (20:23)

2/28 - 3 miles - TM (29:42)

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Look Ma!


Where It All Began