Year Twenty Nine

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Carl, he's may mailman

Naughty me, I haven't updated you on the swag from my Klutchclub boxes this year. 

So far I've gotten January, The Valentine Best of Box (I think that was it's name), and February.  

Ok, ok, I just got March the other day, but I've barely indulged in all its awesome so I'll leave that post for another day :)

These chips are ADDICTING. So good I scoured my local grocer and bought them out. Sea Salt is divine, till I had Sour Cream and Onion.  Changed. My. Life.  Go get yourself some. Even M, who calls what I eat "hippie food", loves them.  It brings people closer folks...

I keep raving about them - here they are. Pro Compression Marathon Socks. The ONLY way to recover from races, long runs, and the like. 

I "may" have worn these on our Saturday night double date after I plowed through 10.49 miles.  Thank goodness we went to the movies, I had on ballet flats. #keepingitclassy, #idontcaremylegsache

Thru the end of the month use code: MARCH for 40% off and FREE shipping.  You're welcome.

This guy was tasty. Packed with protein.  But let's face it, they had me at PEANUT BUTTER.

We all know short hair has a MAH-JOR-LY sensitive tummy. And despise the taste of energy drinks.  Then came this. Bubbly, flavorful (think hints of cherry), and awesome ice cold, it gave me just enough energy without making me crash like humpty dumpty.

Concerned as soon as I saw the label, but as soon as my taste buds got ahold, it was game - over.  Delightful bar with the perfect combo of fruit-covered-in-chocolate flavor. Plus it has SIX servings of fruits and veggies in one bar.  You had me at hello...

Adult fig newton. Think the post high school, refined version. Yum.  And its as big as my palm #snacksizematters

Valentine Best of Box: Twist Band.  The only way I wear my ponytail now. When removed it doesn't take a lock of hair as a souvenir. #winning

February: Honest Tea Honey Green Tea. Whelmed. but I am one for plain tea with a hint of mint OR raw sugar. This was a sensory overload, but I appreciate what they were trying to do.  It just didn't work for me.

Waste not, want not - Coupon Codes: 
It assaults my senses to let discounts go to waste. And due to the fact I am not a kabillionaire, short hair can't afford/doesn't need every thing in my monthly box-o-fun.  So I'm thinking of sharing the coupon code (to the first person who emails me for it) as not to waste any of the box goodness.  Let me know if you're interested. 

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