Slow n' Low

Who doesn't love their Crockpot? 

I mean, toss food in, turn it on, and when you get home you've got a delicious meal. WINNING. 

Then this happened.

Handle. Fail.

Months go by, I operate as if nothing is wrong, burning the shit out of my hands each time I made a delicious meal.  

When I finally get off my ass to take action I can't find the lid online.  

So I panic.  

Then call customer service.  Who tells me they no longer have lids. Or handles. My internal bitch meter begins to rise, but I stay polite and be put on hold for the fifth time. 

When the agent comes back on the line she apologies, and explains they are having issues, and she is going to send me a new crock pot - FREE of charge. Say huh? I was fully mentally prepared to launch into a tirade about how ridiculous this is.  Then the agent rendered me SPEECHLESS.  My lid handle fell off so you are sending me a brand new crockpot? 

I may name my first born after her.

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