Monday Musings

Evening dolls,

Pardon the tardy post, but short hair has been elbow deep in puppy poop and pee for the last week. Although it is a special kind of hell potty training 10 week old puppies, it has been a blast watching them sleep. Even it is for only four hours at a time. 

First things first. I started training again. Which is long overdue considering my next half mary is 25 days away.  I wish you could've been at the gym with me for my first run.  It. Was. Brutality.  But I have no one to blame but myself.

Whole Foods (STL) now sells Chocolate PB2.  Can the church say AMEN!

T-Shirts that shouldn't exist in kids sizes

Gracious Uncertainty - I was OBSESSED with My Utmost For His Highest in High School.  This poem reminded me why. 

Girls on HBO - I feel like I'm missing out on life. Still haven't seen an episode.  How do people without HBO watch this? I refuse to pay for HBO for one effing show.

I'm obsessive about the perfect calendar to fill out my workouts on.  Enter adorable, yet functional monthly calendars here and here

Kyra, my fellow Bravo-ho and recent dirty thirty inductee posted a preview of Kenya's new single, "Gone with the Wind Fabulous" on her blog.  Twirl bitches.

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