Running fever that is. If you remember, not a month ago I was freaking out over my Ragnar team falling apart, thus totally ruining my life. Not really.  Ok, really. Ever since then I've been scrambling to find races for the first half of the year (Ragnar was pricey, thus counted as two races since my money tree hasn't sprouted yet). Well, over the course of 12 hours my life turned around (Thank God), and this happened. I registered for THREE races! 

1.) I finally sold my soul swapped weekend on call (work) duty so now I can run  GO! STL half marathon (course map, here) along with Jen, Kelly, Holly, Mel, and Laura - basically all the cool kids.  I couldn't be more stoked! 

2012 Start

Race Perks:

  • Holy Hill - (Mile 6-8) - Specially timed 2-Mile stretch with additional medals and Crown Candy chocolate bars for top three age group winners in marathon and half marathon
  • Michelob ULTRA After Party featuring a local band
  • St. Louis-themed post-race food, including Ted Drewes Frozen Custard

Bonus, even folks tardy for the registration party get a little love - use the code KSDK5 for $5 off. You're welcome.

2.) Zooma Half Marathon with this sassy mamcita
Run. Laugh. Celebrate.

Any excuse for a trip to the Windy City is an awesome one. On a scenic, flat (I smell a PR) course along Lake Michigan, plus the fact the race is put on by two women (GIRL Power!).

Race Perks:

  • Full weekend of yoga and sponsored cocktail hour
  • Swag bag featuring a tech tee, yoga mat, reusable bag, and stainless steel water bottle
  • Wine from Barefoot Wine and Bubbly at After Party Expo
  • Necklace designed exclusively by Satya Jewelry for all finishers
  • Post race massage

Early registration $85 (first 100 people - $105 after) - holla! And if you register before June 2nd you receive a special care package.  If that's not awesome topped with awesome sauce I don't know what is.

3.) My work just paid for the first 20 people to run the Undy 5000 (5k) benefiting Colon Cancer.

Clearly Jesus loves me extra hard today - two of the races on my wish list, the opportunity to race even more this year AND a free race bib? It's too good to be true, and I for one am grateful.

Here's my updated race calendar for 2013 
(also on the R. side of the page)

3/3 Little Rock Half Marathon
Little Rock, AR

3/23 Undy 5000 (5k)
Saint Louis, MO

4/7 GO STL! Half Marathon
Saint Louis, MO

6/1 Hospital Hill Half Marathon
Kansas City, MO

8/10 Zooma Half Marathon
Chicago, IL

12/7 St. Judes (tentative*)
Memphis, TN
*registration isn't open yet

Holla at your girl if you are running any of these so I meet you!

If anyone knows of more races, wants to join me in any, or would like to volunteer to pace me with a bottle of wine, let me know :)

Now if you'll excuse, must continue my happy dance...

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Erin go Braugh


Lard. Squish. Jelly.