January - Twenty First

Inauguration Day is just around the corner and I for one am pondering about the debt ceiling what frock FLOTUS chooses.

WE JUST GLOVE IT photo | Michelle ObamaRED-DY AND ABLE photo | Michelle Obama

How could you not be curious, I mean she wears J.Crew 
(which I feel is the only way to get to heaven)

ROYAL PURPLE photo | Michelle ObamaSPARKLE MOTION photo | Michelle Obama

The violet one shouldered Doo Ri gown (L) is too DIE  for...

GO FOR GLAMOUR photo | Michelle Obama

She has arms out of this world...

"MASTERPIECE" THEATER photo | Michelle ObamaTRUE BLUE photo | Michelle Obama

Home girl could make a potato sack look chic.

PRINT RUN photo | Michelle ObamaLIQUID SILVER photo | Michelle Obama

Regardless what designer she gives multiple fashion orgasms to by selecting their gown, we all know what ever she chooses to wear will be AMAZEBALLS.  

C'mon Inauguration! 

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