Year Twenty Nine

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What do these things have in common with Y29?

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Think about it...

Give? I'll tell you, Y29 hit FIFTY followers!

Break out the bubbly, grab a cupcake and put on your party dress - it's a CELEBRATION!

In honor of making this auspicious milestone I'm hosting my 1st giveaway - a care package filled with totally awesome things I adore and think you should too.

The rules are simple:

1.) Follow Y29 - and tell three people how awesome and thin I am. If you can convince bribe them to follow me (and then tell me you sent them) I'll enter you for every new follower you send my way!

2.) Answer these questions in the comments section of this post:
    • Pancakes or Waffles?
    • Fondest college memory? 
    • Name MY favorite boy band.

Two ways to win (follow + pimp your friends to follow), one kick ass care package. What are you waiting for?  Contest open until 12pm CST - January 25, 2013.

- To each person who follows my journey, THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart (and wine glass) for supporting me, being my cheering section and holding me accountable. Without you, I'd be institutionalized for talking to myself and drinking too much. -

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