Year Twenty Nine

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Bliss'ed Out

Murmurings about blog conferences have popped up every since I began my humble blog space in 2010. Unsure (and too lazy to find out) I assumed blog conferences were for those "professional" bloggers with advertisements, media deals, and a following to make even Lady Gaga blush. To my astonishment (not really, I make up things at times) once I began researching all the chatter about blog conferences, it became clear: "I wanna go!" 
BlissDom is the premier conference for women, founded by women, who find and express their bliss by publishing online. Covering everything from fitness, photography, and writing, the three day conference boasts a place for bloggers from every walk to join together for the same cause, networking, learning, growing, and nurturing your blog space in the world.
Held March 21-23 this year in Dallas, TX the agenda looks both informative and appears to be an all around wonderful experience. 

So now that I've convinced you how wicked fun this would be, who's going this year and volunteers to stow me in their suitcase? Alright fine, be selfish - even though I'm a good three pounds lighter this month and would be a cinch to hoist on the plane. Who wants to go with me in 2014? 

Anyone ever been to a blog conference? Which one? 

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