Tick Tock

Thirty days away! Words cannot express how excited, nervous, and anxious I am for my first EVER half marathon! 

Six weeks into couch to 13.1 and training is coming along swimmingly, minus rolling my ankle on a sticker ball and sobbing during my last long run (PMS is a beeyotch folks).   Updates on the last few weeks coming soon..

As time draws nearer to the big day I'm preparing like an OCD on speed to finalize every race detail. Shoes? Check. Headband? Check. Still working out the gel situation and figuring out what this girls sen-si-tive tummy can keep down pre-race without blowing chunks.  Updates on my quest for the perfect gel coming soon...

In all honesty I have no goals for this race, heck signing up was my goal! But since it seems like all the cool kids are doing it, guess I'll be a follower and give my life some direction.


1. Run without stopping (unless I have to pee)
2. Cross the finish line (before they start shutting down for the night)
3. Finish within two and a half hours
4. Commit every moment to memory since I can't write, run, and take professional photos at the same time.

Realistically if I can savor every moment  of this race, honor the journey it took to get here and help out a phenomenal cause, I'm a happy camper. 

St. Jude's here we come!

Half Training: Week 4


Happy Anniversary - to me