Sunday, RAINY Sunday

Rose bright and early on 9/2 for a 3.6 mi. run (42:13) at Creve Coeur Park with a friend. It had been raining on/off all weekend, but that didn't deter us from rolling the dice and setting out around the lake. I must say, being my first run here, my was it idyllic. Till the rain began then it pretty much sucked. Hard. 

Then I started my "awesome" whacky breathing habit which is basically me attempting to breath short, quick breaths, instead of deep, from the belly two out-one in breaths. This caused me to freak out. Which made me slow down. And my friend to think it was an actual emergency and not just my ridiculous breathing habit I picked up from - oh yeah, nowhere I made it up...

Once I turned off my iPod (ok, it stopped working by this point because it was water logged) and concentrated on my breathing I felt loads better. We even sprinted the last bit to our cars ending on a high note.

This was my seat post run. I was soaked to my core. Added bonus? I was holding my company issued Blackberry the entire time. It didn't work for a good 30 minutes - oops.

Proof every inch of me was drenched. And yes, I walked into Starbucks looking this awesome (the drive thru line is always forever long).  It didn't occur to me the odd stares were because of my full body wet suit posing as gym clothes till after I got home. 

Photo Diary: 30 "Sucks"


It's the 1st of the month...