Photo Diary: GSO-STL Road Trip

Two childhood friends + SUV jammed to the gills + Map of ideas and pit stops + Two iPods full of tunes = Road trip full of junk food, traffic jams, covered bridges, and a plan that utterly failed, but was amazing anyway.

Bunker Hill Covered Bridge - North Carolina
The plan: travel from Greensboro, NC to St. Louis, stopping overnight in Nashville, TN - with time built in to stop at random roadside attractions, and take pictures, like weirdos.  Memories.

Jam Stand - Lake Lure
Among our purchases: whipped honey and homemade jam.  We've been to busy (read: lazy) to have a from scratch biscuit party to test these out yet. Plus, we were convinced the little old lady who manned the stand (every bit of 80 years old), was stoned.

Best. Cake. Ever. Zoe's Kitchen - Asheville, NC
The Biltmore Mansion, along with Grandpa's Rock, both took us about 40 miles (in each direction) out of the way from our planned route, only to find out they cost insane amounts of money (and we thought we did our homework beforehand, ha!), considering we could care less about the history and really just desired a cute photo op.

Singing in Nashville
Hours in Virginia traffic later, we arrive in Nashville - at 11 pm.  Needless to say we had been driving since 9 am and were beyond spent.  Our version of nightlife in the "Country Music Capital"? Driving through downtown stopping briefly for food and passing out.

After two months of strategic planning of route, stops, food finds, nightlife hot spots, outfits, and travel snacks, 90% of the things on our itinerary were closed. By Nashville we found this fact quite hilarious and began documenting our grand plans, in front of the closed signs - ha. Overall, two days in a car helping one of my best friends move back to St. Louis was in a word: Epic. 

Photo Diary: Cupcakes & Wine


Tracy Anderson Leggings for Edition 01