Year Twenty Nine

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August 7th

Brace yo' self for the UNREAL that is about to follow...

Had a late start (meetings that begin at 10 am make my heart sing), so I got up at 6 am, and hit the pavement.  Got in 2.3 miles - and was nipped by a viscous lap dog I tried to be nice to (the lil' beeyotch), and as I rounded back toward home stopped at Starbucks (Yes, I have a caffeine problem, NO I did NOT purposely move close to one, it was a happy unplanned "destined in the wind" type of deal) and grabbed a Grande Dark Roast du jour, but more on that later.  Once home I rocked out Vabs in all it's 3 minutes of glory, and, to my utter shock, did Mat too! Like that Stefano songs says, "I'm on a Roll". Bonus?  I was finished with my entire workout, dressed, bags packed, snacks prepped, and breakfast enjoyed with...TIME.TO.SPARE. 

Now for the coffee mention. Prepared my 1st  Tracy Anderson Perfect Wellness Shake - after all I've only had it for a month and yet to open the package.  Here's what I did:

2 Scoops of Chocolate Shake Formula
2/3 of my Grande Dark Roast Starbucks Coffee

Blended in my handy dandy Magic Bullet till smooth. My oh my was is surprisingly delish and easy to make. It is reminiscent of a cold, icy, mocha, but without all the empty calories and hungry feeling ten minutes later.

*Disclaimer:  While I ADORE my Vitamix and can sing nothing but praises about it, for one serving shakes, smoothies, etc I use my Magic Bullet instead for convenience.

Here's the video Tracy did promoting her shakes - there are a few recipes in it:

The shake kept me full till lunch (which was after 12 by the way), where I had a bag of grapes and Peanut Butter Think Thin Bar.  Forgot a snack and "had" to go to vending hell and got a 2oz bag of Cheez Its - there went 290 empty calories of cheesy delight. Had 1/3 glass of Riesling once I got home, waste not want not my loves. Went to the Cards/Giants game last night and who goes to a baseball game and doesn't eat ballpark food, not I. One White Sangria and a Bacon Wrapped Hot Dog later I was one happy camper.  Even if the Giants totally beat us.