August 30th

Yeah - I did squat. Nada. Zilch in the form of exercise unless you count - yeah I did nothing.  

Had a lovely dinner at my fav Greek restaurant with my cousin before she departs to Italy for a semester abroad. Jerk. Green with envy, party of one?

In bed by 8:30 "knowing" that will ensure this latest bout of insomnia will get the hint and retreat, not even close. Read a little, googled running stuff, read Twitter, even made my workout plan for next week. Rinse. Repeat. Till 1 freaking am. Insomnia blows. 

Oh, and to add to life's treasures, weight is up to 128 - SHITBALLS. Must attack the fat taking up residence on my ass immediately. Apparently it is "normal" to gain weight prepping for a marathon (1/2 in my case), but sweet Lord does it have to be an entire extra person? In the process of researching the proper foods to eat, when, etc so hopefully this aids in the retreat of the truffle shuffles latest attack. 

Stay tuned...

I've Lost It...


August 29th