August 2nd

First things first, I ran 1.5 miles for my workout on August 1st. And, bonus, had an amazing day food wise (I use the LoseIt app):

Grande Skinny Iced Caramel Macchiato (140)

Fage Total with Cherry (170)
Orange (62)
Traders Joe's Pomegranate Fruit Leather (45)

Peach (58)
Bag of Microwave Popcorn; light butter (110)

3 oz. of Steak, grilled (243)
1/2 Cup Mac n Cheese (100)
Grilled Peach (58)
Screwdriver - 2 (497)

Day #1 - complete.

Now, for August 2nd, set my alarm for 5 am and again, hit the snooze like a champ. The events that follow are both true, and pathetic.  Due to the fact I was out till 2 am (having WAY too much fun) and had about 4 hours of sleep I was dragging MAJOR ass at work thus decided to take a half day - which ended up working out because my coworkers and I were hosting a Purse, Jewelry, and Adult Toy party (spurred from our "book club" of the 50 Shades of Grey variety) at my casa that evening, and considering about half of it was actually clean, it solidified my decision so that my friends and colleagues wouldn't call the Clean House crew and hold an intervention. Hit up Sam''s on the way home for last minute supplies, aka - Ice for the booze and set to task.  I was a one woman clean machine: laundry started, bed made, swept, dishes done, dips and yummy nibbles prepped, wine chilling...By 4 pm I had scrubbed my place clean, lit candles, set some tunes on Pandora and started Vabs. About halfway through I notice my friend and my coworker/friend walking up, so I hit pause to let them in. Now, technically my iPad was stilled poised on my ottoman in my living room waiting for me, but once the girls entered the door we began prepping, chit chatting and I TOTALLY abandoned the remainder of my "workout".  Party ensues, girls night shenanigans were in abundance along with the flow if vino and tasty nibbles - by 10 pm I was PASSED out, house tidied (gotta love friends who help clean - BLESS them), dreaming of 50 Shades of Grey and Rock Hard Abs.  Awoke this am to the same drill - alarm, snooze, repeat, only today I slept until 6:30, shitballs. Bound out of bed like there was an emergency to get ready, stopping to catch a glimpse of my "abs" in the mirror - why I have zero fucking clue because I did a whopping 1 minute 30 seconds of Vabs.  Perhaps all the wine hadn't burned out of my system, or I'm just THAT delusional to assume that less than two minutes of physical exercise would reap any semblance of results - EVER. That has to go down in history as the SHORTEST lame ass excuse for a workout. As I sit here and type I'm shaking my head at the events of my "workout" summed up to.  But, tomorrow is a new day and I am determined to make the best of it. 

Lastly, here's Tracy Anderson's V Ab video - proof that it is in fact THREE minutes long, and confirmation that my lame ass excuse for a workout ranks as the highest scoring sad, sad occurrence in my fitness journey, to date.

Here's to a more productive Day #3,

Love & TAM,

TAM: Wellness Bags


August 1st