Marcia's Love List

Current Obsession:
Beating my hair into submission to achieve "beach waves", getting back in shape since graduate school is officially over, and my life's goal of living within walking distance of the beach.


Favorite App:
justwink - the perfect way to send cards on the go

Gear to Sweat in:
Under Armour Capri's- I cried "holy %#$@" in the dressing room cuz they slid on like butter, and are beyond comfy AND uber cute.

Workout Accessory:
iPod. I'd say H2O, but good tunes make everything better.

Yoga Move:
Dancer. I feel empowered, graceful, and so at peace in this move.

Place to Run:
My neighborhood. I adore finding new routes all while exploring my surroundings.

Fitness - Lululemon, and anything Tracy Anderson Method related
Fashion - Ring My Bell

Who Inspires You:
My middle sister.  After three years of post college job hunting, she found (and landed) her dream job, in a state she had never even visited. Granted she lives 9 hours away now, but I still get misty eyed thinking about how fierce and fearless she is for never compromising on her dream. I'm beyond proud of her...

Favorite Restaurant:
House of Wong - they have the BEST food; I dream about the spring rolls, lettuce wraps, and noodles.  Plus they deliver. Let's just say the deliver man knows me well , and automatically stands back from the door because he knows my dog ALWAYS tries to sneak around my legs to greet him.

Favorite Book:
The 50 Shades of Grey Trilogy - In a word, Oh. My.

Secret to Finding Balance:
Depends, but my go to's are: Yoga (preferably hot, but any kind will do in a pinch), a glass of wine + couch + dog + DVR, and talking with a friend.  I'm FIERCELY private and only recently have I began to really open up more about my private life. I used to be of the mindset of "listen to others and figure out my issues alone" - take my advice, don't mimic me, it was maddening.  Find a confidant with whom you can trust (or have serious dirt on so you know they won't spill, lol) and open up. To my confidant, your endless support, encouragement, and guidance are worth more to me than you will ever know - THANK YOU.

Way to Sweat:
Music cranked up, dancing with reckless abandon.  Be it, in the privacy of my home, rocking out to the music at the grocery store, or out dancing with friends, I never feel more alive...

Way to Get Motivated:
Fitness blogs - I read them religiously. Hearing real people's journey inspires me to reach beyond my comfort zone and go for it.


Thirteen Point Freakin' One


Photo Diary: Coconut Green Smoothie