Oh Scale How You Taunt Me

Granted, if I could figure out how to balance the whole partial meal plan thing my scale wouldn't be doing its own version of a skyrocket.  Having said that, the week before Spring Break I texted all my friends to let them know I'd be unchained from my textbook for one week only and to see me while you can.  Of course, they leads to drinks, dinners out, you get my drift.  I'm not complaining by any means, I just need to focus on "owning my weight" before I indulge in dinners out.  Having said that I'm semi-excited classes reconvene next week, I'll be back to TAM filled Tupperware and no sleep before I know it!  I'm attempting some semblance of tolerance here, but we all know that guilt (non compliance in my case) is not a force to be reckoned with.  Having said that, although this week has not been as by the book (Marcia's edition) as I'd like it to be, I know that there will be times when I just need to enjoy the company of family and friends, stop stressing over every morsel I consume in public (eating at home or packing my lunch is a no brainer these days) and just live.  After all, it is reality.  I wonder why that is such a hard concept to grasp???

Breakfast: Blueberries w/ Almond milk.  I blended them and drank it as a shake.  Not my fave :(

Lunch:  Steve took me to lunch to celebrate getting a "B" in my Finanace class, so we went to Schlafly, a brewery I used to work at.  Once I opened the menu it was downhill from there.  Memories of all their delish food flooded back, and before I could rein myself in I'd ordered their homemade beer bread (did I mention it comes with homemade butter-two types?) and a big bowl of gumbo.  Oh, sweet taste bud party in my mouth!  Who wants to guess what my scale will do tomorrow???

Dinner:  Think Thin Bar

Weight: up 1.2 since yesterday, but I knew that sandwich would do me in.  Tracy was right, yet again.  Don't foray into old habits (ever) until you have "owned your weight loss".  Apparently renting doesn't count, oops

Today was day #1 of the new sequence.  Um, I think my DVD was set to "fast forward" the entire time, I had to take a deep breath and concentrate to keep up!  I like the new material thus far, and my butt was on fire by the end.  Hello Mr. Sore, welcome back, I've missed you.  Cardio, I am happy to report, went by without one glance at the clock.  Now I need to focus on sweating more, no pain, no fairy dust right?

As I've probably rambled incessantly about, I get MAJOR cramps when I eat anything other than the menu, and after googling like crazy and talking to a nurse friend of mine I made an appointment with a GI doctor.  Not sure if its my carb intake or lactose intolerance, but whatever it is has me doubled over (literally) anytime I eat dairy (cheese, milk) or carbs (any).  Hoping I'm just a wuss and its my body saying to keep it clean, but I figured I'd better get it checked out just in case. 

On my way to work today, a local (running)company GO! STL handed out free bananas on the corner, how neat is that?  If only more people would get on board to help us all make healthy food choices. 

Lastly, The list of drinks and bars is longer than I anticipated, so I'll post that this weekend...

12 days down; 78 to go,

Love & TAM,

Hoisting My Lady Parts & The Pyscho Lady @ Target (Days 13-16)


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