I Came. I Saw. I ATE: Holidays 2010
Happy New Year! (Cue the champagne, music, and those annoying plastic horns) I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, I know I did. Every year as the New Year approaches I reflect, as I'm sure we all do on the past year; the lessons learned, memories made, and plan out our goals for the coming year. The first thing that came to mind was TAM. This past year (since October) I have been OVERWHELMED with support and love from my new TAM family. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought when I purchased Tracy's book on a whim that I'd be getting so much more. Ever since then my life (literally) has changed. Not only did I transform my body (inside and out), learned more about myself in 30 days then I have in 28 years, I've come meet some of the nicest, genuine, encouraging, and supportive people I could EVER ask for. For that, I am ETERNALLY grateful to each and every one of you for constantly rooting me on in my journey, it really does take a village. Who knew embarking on a 30 day journey really could change your world?
Workouts (12/23-12/31):
I got two uber cute gym outfits (like my Capri's?), so I hightailed my booty to workout as soon as we finished opening gifts on Christmas. PDI and BDC 20 minutes. Who knew new clothes would get me so pumped to workout? Plus, I got 2 new CD's so I jammed thru my workout with fresh music!
I FINALLY completed BDC from start to finish, full out without passing out! It took me a minute to realize what I'd done, and when I did, a full on happy dance was in order! Holy Crap, I did it! Fun fact; thong + BDC = pain. Just in case you like variety, my fav sequence is 4,3,1,2.
PDI and 30 minutes of cardio on the 27th...
I had my gym clothes on, TAM CD in my Mac, and got called for work. Shitballs. No workout for me that day. And, to make matters worse, I was STARVING and it took everything in me not to stop at every fast food joint on my ride home and order everything on the menu...I withstood the temptation and popped a few dark chocolate almonds before passing out from sheer exhaustion.
PDI, BDC 2,3, BCC, 1 the night before we departed for NYE fun in Chicago. Considering I had to pack (i.e. do laundry in order to pack) I was totally impressed with my workout today.
NYE I got in PDI and BCC 1 before we had to hit the road, so proud I got up early to get in my last workout of 2010!
I've still been shopping like I'm trying to rebuild our economy one outfit room at a time, the newness still hasn't worn off and I'm STILL grinning from ear to ear. Plus, Steve keeps complimenting my new booty :)
Lastly, for those that wanted the Kale Chip Recipe, here it is (cooking times depend on how hearty your kale is):
Kale Chips:
Kale - a few handfuls (hand torn; stems removed)
1 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sea Salt (or other seasonings) to taste
Preheat oven to 350. Rinse kale, then dry (bone dry). Put kale into bowl. Drizzle EVOO and massage into leaves. Arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake in oven until leaves are crisp to the touch but still dark green (brown leaves = bitter taste), about 10-12 minutes depending on how hearty your kale is. Remove from oven and sprinkle with seasonings (you can also season prior to cooking). Cool. Enjoy!
I begin PD2 in the New Year, so I'm sure it'll be an adventure, plus I have GOT to get my weight range under control, tinkering at the top is no fun (I was 121 for two days and it was NOT a good time). Till then, Happy New Year everyone :)
Love and TAM,
My old size 4's - baggy pants anyone?
Sweet baby Jesus, could I eat ANYTHING else? I felt like a bear storing away food for the winter. I ATE everything that crossed my path on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Not to mention two, count them TWO lunches on the 23rd (why I decided I needed chicken fingers and fries AFTER I ate my healthy lunch, no one knows-it goes without saying my body rejected it all). Every nibble, appetizer, and baked goodies was no match for my psychotic food rage. Christmas Eve at my boyfriend's family is pot luck (read: TAM nightmare). Their was rye bread with dill dip, baked wonton cups with sausage and cheese (no clue their real name but I HOOVERED them), cheese cubes, BBQ pork, and baked delights. Even though I had been prepping myself for the food fest (even packing mango slices in my purse), my determination was no match for all the tasty bites once I laid my eyes on them (stay calm everyone, I'm going to take this cookie cake, devour it all and NO one will get hurt). I began modestly with some innocent cheese cubes, but by the time we left I had "sampled" every single food item, including a cookie cake (which I incessantly asked why it wasn't cut-in my most "I'm not hungry, but I'll cut it for you if you want, voice)...I had my way with that cookie cake, it wasn't pretty folks. Christmas Day was just as bad. Dinner with my family, which meant a FULL meal. Chicken Marbella (delish if you haven't tried), mushroom risotto, rolls, potatoes, asparagus, champagne, cookies, cookie bars, and Pumpkin Cheesecake. I did well, only opting for a small portion of potatoes and the rest veggies, and chicken, but by dessert we had all gathered to play games and EVERYONE had dessert in their hand (Steve had two), what is a girl to do? I felt like a crack feen, tweaking for my next hit. Needless to say I had my fair share of desserts, sampling EVERY item and then wondering why on earth I felt like I'd just swallowed a lead brick covered in cheesecake. And if that wasn't bad enough, my latest snack addiction is pickles and popcorn. Baby Kosher dills to be exact. Popcorn had me hooked when I went to happy hour with one of my friends recently and they had...individual popcorn bowls at the bar (sans all the germs like peanuts). But not just any popcorn, a salty/spicy mix we torn into like jackals. I've been trying to replicate it (without avail) every since. And, I'm officially my great grandmother. I now carry honey packets (thx Starbucks) in my purse for tea. I feel like a goofball, but it so helps when you don't have any other options other than sweet and low or splenda (so bad for you). For those type A's like me, these are my go to's everyday:
Travel mug, Sigg Water Bottle, Larabar, Honey packets, Green Tea
Workouts (12/23-12/31):
I got two uber cute gym outfits (like my Capri's?), so I hightailed my booty to workout as soon as we finished opening gifts on Christmas. PDI and BDC 20 minutes. Who knew new clothes would get me so pumped to workout? Plus, I got 2 new CD's so I jammed thru my workout with fresh music!
PDI and 30 minutes of cardio on the 27th...
I had my gym clothes on, TAM CD in my Mac, and got called for work. Shitballs. No workout for me that day. And, to make matters worse, I was STARVING and it took everything in me not to stop at every fast food joint on my ride home and order everything on the menu...I withstood the temptation and popped a few dark chocolate almonds before passing out from sheer exhaustion.
PDI, BDC 2,3, BCC, 1 the night before we departed for NYE fun in Chicago. Considering I had to pack (i.e. do laundry in order to pack) I was totally impressed with my workout today.
NYE I got in PDI and BCC 1 before we had to hit the road, so proud I got up early to get in my last workout of 2010!
I'm not sure if I've told you, but I get bored really easily. So listening to that techno music in the background only lasts so long before I want to inflict pain on the creator, chuck my Mac book out the window and go have a naughty snack (or five). To circumvent this from happening too often, I made a play list for both MS and Cardio and use it when needed, adding upbeat songs I like along the way, along with songs from Tracy's lists. I'm sure some can relate, so I started a play list on the right side of my blog to give you some ideas, but I feen for new music, so send me your fav's, I'll add them in!
As I draw to the end of PDI, I wanted to share a few memories I have. First, LOVE the video. So much easier to follow along than doing BC all alone. The surprise ending kills me every time though. Just as you are totally spent and think its over, its feels like you start over again! Shitballs it burns.
Happy New Year!
NYE in Chicago was INCREDIBLE. It started with a few innocent twizzlers on the drive up, and spiraled into 2 slices of Lou Malnatis Chicago style pizza (did I mention we had salad, bread, and cheese cubes too?), chips and salsa (I ate it ALL for the table), a huge mexican feast, and lots of vodka tonic with lime (per Bethenny Frankel of the Skinny Girl book-it has so much less calories than mixed drinks). I've been cured of my drunken snacking lately, opting for bed or a gallon of water instead (I feel like a camel at time, but considering my pickle addiction lately, I understand). Also, I'm in LOVE with red wine. Prior to TAM I frowned at the thought of red wine (Riesling was my fav), but now I'm hooked...a little too much :) Overall I did well while on our weekend getaway, at one point Steve's sister even said, man Marcia, you eat really healthy!
I've still been shopping like I'm trying to rebuild our economy one outfit room at a time, the newness still hasn't worn off and I'm STILL grinning from ear to ear. Plus, Steve keeps complimenting my new booty :)
Lastly, for those that wanted the Kale Chip Recipe, here it is (cooking times depend on how hearty your kale is):
Kale Chips:
Kale - a few handfuls (hand torn; stems removed)
1 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sea Salt (or other seasonings) to taste
Preheat oven to 350. Rinse kale, then dry (bone dry). Put kale into bowl. Drizzle EVOO and massage into leaves. Arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake in oven until leaves are crisp to the touch but still dark green (brown leaves = bitter taste), about 10-12 minutes depending on how hearty your kale is. Remove from oven and sprinkle with seasonings (you can also season prior to cooking). Cool. Enjoy!
I begin PD2 in the New Year, so I'm sure it'll be an adventure, plus I have GOT to get my weight range under control, tinkering at the top is no fun (I was 121 for two days and it was NOT a good time). Till then, Happy New Year everyone :)
Love and TAM,