Year Twenty Nine

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Owen: Month Eleven

If anyone needs me I'll be in the corner sobbing because this sweet face will be ONE in twelve days. How did the last year pass by so quickly?!?

Transitioned into a new school* and made switch effortlessly. I was certain (and skeptic!) he'd have a tough time transitioning from free range napping (2-3/day) to one dedicated nap time, but mama was wrong and am working up the courage to ask them for their secrets.

Biggest Milestone: signaling for us to turn on the ceiling fan (our home is always cold now) and dancing (think: one foot popped up, bouncing).

Hardest Challenge: keeping you from opening/closing doors while you simultaneously smash your foot in the process.

Most Memorable Moment: swim class!  

Food: no change since last month

 no nighttime change since last month.  At school he naps once a day (2hrs), on weekends he still takes 2-3 naps ranging from 20mins - 2 hours.

Favorite Photo: 

*Wloved our first school. The new school is in walking distance and he gets to see his grandma each day so while making the decision to switch was difficult, it has proved to be the right choice for our family.

looking back: {month} one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/ten