Year Twenty Nine

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Working On My (Postpartum) Fitness: Nov/Dec

Leave it to me to time beginning a new fitness regime with the start of the holiday season. I'm happy to report I successfully completed round two {round one} of Tracy Anderson's Thirty Day Method, working out 17 of the 30 days which is a vast improvement to my workout efforts of late, as well as dropping 6.2lbs and down 5 inches all over.  Survived without coffee, but after a week stopped following the meal plan religiously. 

Little by little I'm navigating why way back to a consistent fitness schedule {goal: 5-6 days a week}, making slow but steady strides to re-strengthen my core and have less than five pounds to reach my pre-pregnancy weight(!). I'm slowly letting go of the mom guilt to workout -- for me, I feel like working full time already consumes so much time I just want to be 100% present when I'm home which I know is unrealistic and I need to make space for myself, but gosh it is difficult. Baby steps. 

{november 2016}
1 rest (1st business trip away from Owen)
2 rest
3 rest
4 rest
5 rest
6 Postnatal Yoga Workshop (120 mins) -- the small group size gave way to a truly intimate forum wherein we asked infinite questions (it's so comforting to hear you are not alone!) and went through poses to ease back into your yoga practice and strengthen your core. Highly recommend.
7 rest
8 rest
9 rest
10 rest
11 rest
12 rest
13 Tracy Anderson 30 day Method Boot Camp, day #1 -- mat 20 reps, cardio 20 mins.
14 BC, day #2 -- mat 20 reps, vabs
15 BC, day #3 -- mat 20 reps, cardio 20 mins. with Owen
16 BC, day #4 -- mat 20 reps
17 BC, day #5 -- TAM Express Abs 
18 BC, day #6 -- rest
19 BC, day #7 -- mat 20 reps
20 Bc, day #8 -- mat arms 20 reps, cardio 30 mins.
21 BC, day #9 -- mat 20 reps w/ ankle weights, cardio 10 mins. w/ ankle weights
22 BC, day #10 -- mat arms 20 reps,
23 BC, day #11 -- mat arms 20 reps (Drive to Princeton)
24 BC, day #12 -- mat legs (minus moves 20, + 22 -- I was too lazy to get a chair) 20 reps (Thanksgiving)
25 BC, day #13 -- rest
26 BC, day #14 -- mat 20 reps
27 BC, day #15 -- rest
28 BC, day #16 -- rest
29 BC, day #17 -- mat arms 20 reps
30 BC, day #18 -- rest (Celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary with dinner at Sardella + Band of Horses concert)

1 BC, day #19 -- rest (sick)
2 BC, day #20 -- "C" arms 20 reps
3 BC, day #21 -- mat arms 20 reps
4 BC, day #22 -- rest 
5 BC, day #23 -- rest (work)
6 BC, day #24 -- mat legs 20 reps 
7 BC, day #25 -- rest
8 BC, day #26 -- rest
9 BC, day #27 -- rest
10 BC, day #28 -- Speedplay
11 BC, day #29 -- rest
12 BC, day #30 -- rest
13 rest
14 rest
15 rest
16 rest
17 rest
18 rest
19 rest
20 rest
21 rest
22 TAM Express: Abs
23 rest {39 weeks: before & after}
24 rest (Christmas Eve)
25 rest (Christmas)
26 rest
27 Plank (4 mins) front/side/side/front
28 rest
29 rest
30 rest
31 Family Walk (2.5 mi.) (NYE)