Year Twenty Nine

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Owen: Month Nine

This month was filled with baths in the sink, your first (and second) incident report at daycare, playing peek-a-boo, seeing Wild Zoo Lights with friends and quality time with grandma while mama and papa celebrated their anniversary.

Biggest Milestone: clicking your tongue

Hardest Challenge: teething. Diarrhea, fever, oh-my...

Most Memorable Moment: hearing you say "mama" and "dada"

Food: Mr. Independent loves to feed himself and grows very upset should you try to assist

 sleep training lasted all of two days before mama and papa missed the co-sleeping snuggles too much. The first day was rough (see baby monitor photo below), but we now know it can be done successfully when we are all ready.

Favorite Photo: 

looking back: {month} one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight