Year Twenty Nine

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The Business of Being Knocked UP: Trimester, Two

Alternate title(s): " I pee a little when I bend over" and "For the love of humanity kid, please stop swinging from my ribcage"

Bump, there it is.

You can't see me, but I'm dancing -- the second trimester ROCKED. Fatigue dissipated, appetite restored and finally starting to show were the highest of highs. 

Best thirteen weeks, EVER.

Gimme all the food.  

Everything sounds delicious and therefore I want it, ten minutes ago. Most notably, chocolate ice cream. I am certain my contributions alone to the ice cream community kept them afloat and thriving. Runner up: Seagram's Ginger Ale and Grapefruit juice.

It also became NECESSARY to carry snacks (plural) and a full water bottle with me at all times because, hanger.

Meal planning (wicked laugh) What is that?? I'll have everything that looks appealing when I grocery shop, and chocolate ice cream for dessert. 

Stella got her groove back! 

Glorious return to all my favorite classes, taking care to attend yoga once a week (at minimum) to soothe the achy muscles of one's ever expanding existence.  Consistency was/is less than ideal for me and I'm working on giving myself grace so I'm going to pat myself on the back for every workout (full workouts detailed, here), no matter how seemingly short and move on.

Prenatal vinyasa yoga. In a word, bliss. To be surrounded by those in the same chapter of life and given the space in which to encourage and support one another has been a immeasurable benefit. 

 Total weight gain (to date): 16.6 pounds

Maternity clothes became a "need" and not a "nice to have" at fourteen weeks. I'm talking the bella band is no longer an option because your pants legit don't fit at.all so stop trying to do the pants dance and pray because it ain't working sister. 

Thank goodness for a friend who loaned me her ENTIRE maternity wardrobe. I treated myself to a Maternity Stitch Fix and bought a few pieces of my own as well: ASOS, H+M are the bees maternity knees.

The waistbands, the comfort. Maternity clothes take you to a whole new level of YES.

Surprises (about being pregnant):

Toothaches and gum bleeding are normal. Nosebleeds and (sinus) congestion, also normal. Nipple changes, leg aches, learning that your hips really do "shift" and it sounds far more pleasant than it feels. Stand too long and your feet will swell. The veins in my legs are a road map to the future. My OB and I are fairly certain I indeed broke my tailbone (circa week 5 humpty dumpty down the stairs), and in her words "suck it up" -- which means it shall heal on its own timeline, which according to my backside every time I tailor sit is, never. Backaches are best remedied with a heating pad and lots of TV. Frequent restroom breaks continue. Acne that rivals my teen years.  Pregnancy brain is a thing and quite troubling.

Interviewing pediatricians is like a blind date, but you pay them.

Childcare tours -- realizing that childcare is not like your gym membership where towel service, and posh amenities are included.  You gotta bring all your own supplies. All.of.them. You should have seen my face when the director looked at me expectantly as she paused politely (to let me catch up) because I am a moron and was not taking notes. 

Side note: we began  Bradley Method  childbirth classes and now Mark thinks he needs a "coach" shirt AND a whistle...

Purchases (thus far)

Nursing pillow, baby leggings, onesies (similar), Tula baby carrier

--- journal --

Week 14: Zero complaints. None.

Week 15: Phoenix! Sacrum pain!

Week 16: Asked my husband for ice cream and it never appeared. Told him to lose my phone number

Week 17: Screaming match over how he is stealing all the internet, Happy Saturday.

Are you moving in there? It's probably gas...

Week 18: 

Week 19: Sporadic dry heaving and increased back pain. This, is 19 weeks.

Week 20: Back/hip pain is the pits. Heating pads are the tops.

Week 21: So. Thirsty.


Underwire bras are the devil.

I'm SO thirsty, but always have to pee. Tis a vicious cycle

Week 23: You've found my ribs. OUCH.

Week 24: Hip pain, briefly reprieved by partner prenatal yoga then, hip pain.

My super healthy diet of all sweets and no nutrition for two days hath caught up with me. Lesson, painfully learned.

Week 25: Back pain, the worst

Week 26: When I bend over I tinkle a little...

Week 27: Why is (insert body part) wedged into my sternum? Also, my rib cage is not a jungle gym.

Ok, so maybe my back hurt a little...

// First trimester  recap