Year Twenty Nine

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Everyday, Ordinaire

November (2015) looked a little something like this...

Two dozen roses from the cashier at Trader Joe's due to register technical difficulties which further proves my belief that 1) Saturday night is the best time to shop (I practically had the store to myself!) 2) it is socially acceptable to wear borderline pajamas whilst gestating and no one bats an eye 3) Trader Joe's, forever

Syrup, optional. Whipped cream, mandatory

Testing out a new recipe. 

When you request a cheese quesadilla and vitamin water (in bed) for dinner and your chef delivers said meal to you lamenting that I, "give him a challenge next time." 

Remember you said that boo...

Halfway there

Homemade Vanilla Extract 



I really need to start putting chips on all my sandwiches...

Shepherd's Pie-ing