Year Twenty Nine

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Seven Things

The sweetest gal ever, Jodi (she ran her first marathon, in Hawaii!) tagged me to join in on the fun and share seven things you may (not) know about me. 

Be sure to stop by her Blog and Instagram to say hello, she radiates positivity and its absolutely infectious.
  • I am [wildly/strangely/obviously] obsessed with: Organization. You name it, I organize it. With glee.
  • I have a collection of:  Water bottles. It'll mildly appalling, yet I shall never grow thirsty.
  • I secretly (not so secretly): Pray to live abroad  one day.
  • When I was 7, I wanted to be: A figure skater. My middle sister and I would "skate" around our (then) mid-renovated living room like Michelle Kwan.  Socks on hardwood floor makes for the ultimate ice skating rink. Triple Axle...
  • If I could do one thing today, it would be: Nap. I really want to take a nap.
  • I’ve always dreamt of: Speaking Spanish fluently. I was this.close.
  • My favorite way to travel is: Often, and anywhere. Which reminds me, I need to renew my passport...
Your turn: tell me three things about yourself.