Year Twenty Nine

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Fiesta, Fiesta

When our friend enlisted help to plan her husband's (surprise) birthday, I knew just what to do. 

Host at our house, cooking up all the spoils from my vegan cooking class, because they are vegetarian, and I'm a genius. Plus the recipes had laid dormant in my pile o' recipes since said class. 


Do you grocery shop at 9p sweaty (no doubt smelly) from the gym, sending your friend selfies? 

 Yeah, me neither...

We were in search of Cointreau (mar-ga-ritas!), but because of the above selfie shenanigans my phone died mid send. So yours truly bought the family sized bottle, like a winner. 

Side note: Family sized was excessive, but(!) my Chantilly Cream has never tasted better. So really it was brilliant.

Enchiladas, two ways. 

Butternut Squash + Creamy Chicken

Avocado and Mango Ceviche

For dessert, chocolate cake

And, because I don't comprehend portion control, leaving Mark to lament, out loud "how many people are we feeding?!", everyone went home with leftovers in the form of full meals. Our guest of honor was surprised, there were copious amounts of hearty belly laughs, and, duh --  margaritas.

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