Year Twenty Nine

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Sunday (Funday): The Prep

Should you happen to be at our home on a Sunday, the following is the madness that ensues. Sunday is my rest day, which is when I am resemble a tornado -- cleaning, prepping and the like. 

Usually, I have coffee with a life long pal (seventh grade!), then head to my moms to get my hair done. From there I grocery shop for the week and run whatever other errands happen to be imminent.  Head home and then the real fun begins, for me. Mark and the dogs just steer clear, haha. 

Meal planning (I use the Knock Knock meal planning pad) starts late in the week , utilizing cookbooks (I use Pinterest as a digital cookbook), old favorites and the like.  My goal is the prepare dinner three times a week and that seems to be the magic number right now -- not too much fuss, leaves room for lifes surprises and dinner invitations. Plus, leftovers actually are consumed, not wasted. From there I take stock of what we have at home  (freezer inventory + meal planning is brilliant and I love it) and make a grocery list (we use wunderlist).

Pro Tip: Wunderlist is updated in real time, so your spouse can add to the list before or as you shop without you roaming circles in the store screaming into the phone. My life.

Since I workout in the morning, I made a smoothie packets for Mark. I used to make us breakfast smoothies most days (he almost burned the motor in my Vitamix and was thus banned from unsupervised use) and (I) thought this was a genius idea.

I even set out smoothie accoutrements and the blender on the counter, and wrote instructions.

He's made one smoothie solo...

On days I have a late start/get dressed at home I prep coffee for us the night before and set the timer. If I go to work straight from the gym I pack my creamer and grab a drip coffee on my way to the office.  I cannot wait until I get to work to have coffee. I need it coursing through my veins upon arrival.

The day rounds out in the kitchen where I prep breakfast and lunch for the week (while cooking dinner, multitasking at its finest) -- in a pinch/laziness, Kefir is my go to breakfast and Fage 0% split cup for lunches (I always try to grab a few each week, they are lifesavers!), and if I'm really productive, chopping fruit and veggies for snacks and prepping dinner for the next day.

Each night before bed (usually why making dinner), I prepare my food bag for the next day.  My "food bag" consists of: breakfast, (2) snacks, lunch. If I'll be on the road I adjust and/or throw a ice thing in my bag to keep it cold.

For me, I find meal prep, though time consuming at times to be the starting point for the week, resetting any weekend indulgences. Preparing our meals from scratch as often as possible truly brings me joy, and Mark, though he enjoys to cook as well, gives me room to explore in the kitchen, helping when needed. Not only is meal planning more economical, I know precisely what I'm putting into our meals.

Besides, the daily $5 lattes plus $10-$20 lunches add up, fast. And that money could go towards our next vacation I'm already planning in my head.

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