Year Twenty Nine

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Hounds, As of Late

Miles and Rubin elicit both joy and sheer frustration yet continue to melt my heart into a thousand pieces on the daily.

Love is a crazy thing.

They celebrated their second birthday the same day Mark and I exchanged vows (coincidence). 

Ever the party gal, I made sure to celebrate properly. 

So we had ourselves a party within a party. We do it big round these parts.

Peanut Butter Cake with sprinkles. They could barely contain their excitement, thus the blurry photo. It was adorable.

After wedding cake and champagne, Mark laid out a "picnic" (butcher paper and rocks to hold it in place) while we all sang "Happy Birthday". 

In hindsight, giving two dogs cake while in your wedding dress wasn't a brilliant idea, but(!) they listen (to me) well and all crises were averted.

Happy Birthday, indeed.

At this point they've reached full size, tipping the scales at 41 (Rubin) and 50ish (Miles) pounds. 

 They continue to dislike baby gates of any kind...

Miles views any waking moment as the ideal time to be one inch from my person at all times. He also loves to dominate all attention, all the time, from whomever graces our threshold, and is perpetually starving. Skills: shaking your hand. 

Rubin always aims to please and is so high on life she makes herself dizzy with glee.  Over everything.  She is the best snuggler and listener. Latest skill: Begging for food from a distance. 

At some point I need to bust out the "good camera" and snap updated photos... #fail

Despite Miles stomach infection late last year, both have been in good health, loves anyone in the kitchen and have great temperament around children. 

Truth be told when Cora was here for the wedding (then up north for Christmas) she wore them out. Anyone want to volunteer their children to come over for playdates? I'll supply snacks and wine.

After a million near misses with sharp objects, tripping over them (they lay at my feet when I stand still), open oven doors and the like I've finally set boundaries.  See the threshold from tile to wood? They are not allowed to cross it if I'm in the kitchen.

Mark remains the fun (i.e. sans ANY rules) guy, so with him they raise seven shades of hell and wake him daily when the sun rises. I don't subscribe to that foolishness.

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