Year Twenty Nine

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Looking Back: Twenty Fourteen

Oh twenty fourteen, you were a memorable one.

Understatement, of the century.

Alton Half Marathon (2:27:47)

 Getting a treadmill

124.03 miles in the month of August

931.50 miles in 2014

(501.83 miles in 2013)

Meeting fellow bloggers Desiree + Tori

Health + Fitness Resolutions (progress denoted in BOLD) 
-- full list of 2014 resolutions --

  • Sub 2:00:00 half marathon -- I had too many aggressive running goals in 2014, so this goal fell to the wayside. Moving forward, I plan to prioritize one running goal a year.
  • Complete a marathon (scheduled for October 19th baring no injuries) -- greatest accomplishment to date More, HERE.
  • Attain goal weight range between 115-120 -- still working on this one. It's one step forward, two steps back. But I did learn to give myself a break and be (more) comfortable in my skin. And that my goal weight was unattainable if I chose to enjoy food and wine as much as I do.
  • Make fitness a priority (rolling with the teetering balance of life); goal = 6 days a week -- overall, a success. More, HERE + HERE. Life, post marathon training , HERE 
  • Posture - work on not walking around like the hunchback of Notre Dame. -- overall, I'm more aware of when I slouch, which is half the battle. Now, if only I engaged my core more...


Libertine, vegan thin mints, eggnog french toastspicy spaghetti, maplewood coffee crawl, cake cookies, buttercream frostingcoconut flour bread, skillet cookie, paleo granola, browned butter chocolate chip cookies, tarte tropezienne, sriracha chicken. banana cake with nutella frosting, polenta pizza, overnight oats, Black Thorn

Taking  vegan cooking class
Going Vegan for a week and doing another juice cleanse.

Y29 Collaborations

Vega One
Colgate Optic White
Vega Bars
Vega Sport Recovery Accelrator


Readingpentatonix, food truck friday, sunday coffee, shakespeare in the park, movies on the hill, dinners out with friends, baseball games, concerts, movies and my bachelorette weekend.

Quality Time, my love language (progress denoted in BOLD)
  • Nurture my relationships: phone calls, letters, "in person" dates. Remind self it takes two people to nurture a relationship. Talk less, listen more. -- I did a really good job fostering relationships and discarding stale ones.  
  • Train the hounds: obedience school, long runs --Long runs, check. Obidence, check. While we did not enroll them in obedience school, we made a concerted effort to work with each dog on basic commands, and to stop jumping on people. We got a shock collar to discourage bad behavior and a new baby gate so they can roam parts of the main floor while we are away instead of crating.
  • Gratitude + Quiet time: deepen the relationship with myself -- success. Regardless if its 5 minutes or an hour, I take time each day to be alone, in my thoughts or silent.
  • Brunch: host at home, and/or meet at a restaurant. It is my favorite meal yet I rarely indulge. Plus a long brunch with mimosas and good people is pretty much awesome. -- We didn't host as much as I'd like, but a friend and I do meet for Sunday coffee/brunch most Sundays.
  • Volunteer at a race -- did not meet goal.
  • Monetary responsibility: pay off credit cards -- work in progress. Not gone, but better
  • Shop my wardrobe - buying only necessities -- The last half of the year I've done exceedingly well!
  • Take risks in my career, invest in myself professionally  -- Dale Carnegie course + keeping a keen eye for opportunities of growth.

Our engagement and wedding (more on our wedding soon!)


Ireland (part two of our trip coming soon!)
Santa Fe

Twenty Fifteen
-- the goals --

Health + Fitness
  • Attain a healthier weight from my 5'3 frame (120lbs), focus on my core and arms.
  • Eat more real food and less processed food. Pay close attention to food allergies, nobody enjoys an outbreak.
Quality Time
  • Nurture my relationships: family, friends, hounds.
  • Work to be a good spouse; compromise, have fierce conversation, and give lavish praise.
  • "Show up for myself", give myself a break, find comfort in my positive traits, and savor moments alone.
  • Organize our home -- top to bottom.  Purge unnecessary items. renovate at least three rooms
  • Pay down/off debt, student loans are soul encompassing...

What are YOUR goals for 2014?

Email me